method of least-squares may seem 'natural' for a modern student of adjustment theory, its discovery evolved only slowly from earlier methods of combining redundant observations'3. In this contribution we sketch the historical line of development of these adjustment methods in the second half of the 18th centurv. The method of selected points It is convenient to cast the problem of combining redundant observations in terms of vectors and matrices. Suppose we are given a set of linear equations of the form y A x where y is a vector of observations, .1 is a given matrix of full rank and x is the vector of unknown parameters. This set of linear equations is said to be overdetermined when there are more observations than unknowns, m>n. The problem is to combine the in observations so that one can solve for the n unknown parameters. If we restrict ourselves to linear combi nations of the observations, we can write the general solution in the following form x B y with B =(LA)~L and where matrix L is a suitably chosen matrix defining the linear combinations. Different choices of L give different linear combinations and therefore different solutions. In modern terminology, matrix B is called a left-inverse of A, since B times A equals the identity matrix. Before 1750 a popular, albeit subjective, method of solving an overdetermined set of linear equations was the method of selected points. It consists of choosing n out of the m observa tions (referred to as the selected points) and using their equations to solve for x. If the choice falls on the first n observations, the corresponding L matrix takes the form L where is the identity matrix, lor the method of selected points, n residuals (the difference between the observed and adjusted observations) are by definition equal to zero. Many scien tists using this method calculated the remaining m-n residuals and studied their sign and size to get an impression of the goodness of fit between observations and the proposed law. The method is subjective because no clear rule is given which observations to select and which to throw out. Selecting another set of n observations leads to a different solution for x. Although the disadvantage of not using all observations was recognized, no simple method existed to tackle this shortcoming. Sometimes all possible combinations of n observations were considered and then averaged to obtain the final result. But since this approach requires ïg m over n combinations, it was only practical for problems of low dimensions. III. The method of averages Tobias Mayer (1723-1762), professor of mathematics and head of the Göttingen observa tory, made numerous observations of the moon with the purpose of determining the charac teristics of the moon's orbit. In 1750 Mayer proposed a new method for adjusting his moon data, a method which solved the above mentioned pitfall of the method of selected points. Apart front his adjustment method, Mayer is also known for his other contributions to surve ying and navigation. In 1752 lie invented the Repeating or Reflecting Circle, an instrument for observing the angle between two celestial bodies. The accuracy of Mayer's instrument was comparable to John Hadley's reflecting octant (1731), but had the advantage that it could be used to measure angles of over 90 degrees'3. Mayer also contributed to solving the mariner's 'longitude problem'. It was the British Parliament, which in 1714, offered the mxl mxnnxl /ixl nxm mxnxm nxn nxm I 0 nxn nx(m-n) 13

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