"Longitude Prize to those w ho c a use lgitude at sea. To determine longitude of a sh practicable' method for detern p at sea, the mariner needs to know both his local time and the time at some standard location. Local time was readily determined, hut the determination of standard time at sea was more complicated. Mayer's detailed lunar tables (1755) made it possible to translate the instrument readings into longitude positions. The use of Mayer's lunar tables was later superseded by John I Iarrison's marine chronometer 1 l--t (1759). In recognition of their contributions, both men were awarded part of the Longitude Prize', with the larger sum going to Harrison1'. Mayer studied the libration of the moon bv observing the changing position of the crater Manilius as seen from the Earth. I sing spherical geometry, he found a linearized relationship between his observables and some location parameters of Manilius and the moon's pole. This in inconsistent system of 27 linear equations in 3 unknown parameters gave him 1 n12 Mayer proposed to divide the 27 equations into 3 groups of 9 each, to sum the equations within each group, and to solve the resulting 3 equations in the 3 unknowns. For a general set of/// equations in unknowns, this approach amounts to a separation of the equations into n groups, followed by a groupwise summation. For example in case 2. the correspon ding L matrix takes the form L 0 where the eand c-> are row vectors having only 1 s as their entries. Since one may use averages instead of sums, the method became later known as the method of averages. Mayer's method of averages soon became popular. It used all observations and it was very simple to apply. However, due to the lack of an objective criterion of how to group the obser vations, the method was still a subjective one. IV. The method of leant absolute deviations To determine the Ear (Principia7, 1687), tl to Peru, Lapland t s flattening as predicted by Newton's theory of gravitation French Academy of Sciences organized arc-measurement expeditions Cape of Good Hope in the period 1735-1754. These expeditions aroused the interest in other countries and in 1750 Pope Benedict XIV commissioned, the Jesuit and professor of mathematics, Roger Joseph Boscovich (171 1-1787) to perform a similar geodetic survey near Rome, the results of which were published in 1755. In a summary of this report, published in 1757'*. Boscovich formulated his new method, now known as the method of least absolute deviations, and applied it to the data of th(> French and Italian arc measurements. In order to understand the equations used by Boscovich, we first need to introduce some elements from ellipsoidal geodesy. Figure /.- Latitude arc measure- l or short meridian arcs, the arc length s (see figure 1can be merits along a meridian. written as s= \l((p)A(p. with M((p) the meridian radius of curva- Tl a\l *1 *2 y m a ml a ml 14

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