Uit Canada 'Shari Blaukopf: My point is that a year ago I might have spent 10 minutes getting his hood just right but today in that time I had the whole thing drawn and coloured. It may not be a per fect drawing but the essence of the surveyor on a cold sunny day has been captured. Comment Ross C: At first, I thought he had a paper bag on his head but then I read that it was a hood.so I guess that means it is still a little cold over there? Shari Blaukopf: Yes, it is brutally cold and windy here today. He looked miserable out there! And envious of me sitting in my car with a cup of coffee. Lee Kline: You caught his stance so that we KNOW he is watching his partner and waiting to do something. A real capture. Shari Blaukopf: You're right Lee. He was waiting for his partner across the road. fruitrootleaf: Shari, my soon-to-be brother-in- law is a surveyor. I'm sharing this with him, as I know he'll enjoy it as much as I did. The vibrancy in the colors, against the subdued winter hues, is delightful.' www. sharibla ukopf. com, werkend in Montreal) Uit Rusland Als er een geodeet aan mankeert wordt dat door vakgenoten instrumenteel opgelost! (www.geodezist.info) Uit Frankrijk 'French Army 1812 Geographical Engi neer Officers Sur veying by Carle Vernet. Carle Vernet (1758 to 1835) the French artist was commissioned under the authority of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte to pro duce illustrations of the Imperial French Army dress regula tions of 1812 for the Grand Army, other than the Imperial Guard, an institution too powerful and quixotic for the Dress Commission to tackle. The illustra tions were designed to illustrate the require ments of the new regulations in tailoring the uniforms. This may explain the idiosyncratic activities of some of the soldiers.' (www.britishbattles.com) NB Deze afbeelding prijkte in DHC 2010-3, p. 109 in zwart-wit in een artikel van Raymond Uppelschoten met de zin 'De betrouwbaarheid van de prent wordt echter betwist, met name vanwege foutieve afbeelding van de uniformen.' 126

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De Hollandse Cirkel (DHC) | 2016 | | pagina 36