Eeuwfeest IHO In 2019 bestaat de Internationale Hydro grafische Organisatie (IHO) 100 jaar. Tijdens de festiviteiten staat de ontwikkeling van het vakgebied de afgelopen eeuw centraal. Het hoogtepunt wordt een workshop op 20 en 21 juni 2019 in het Oceanografisch museum van Monaco, getiteld "A Historical Approach for Measurements and Protection of Oceans and World Waters". De workshop wordt georgani seerd in samenwerking met de Piri Reis Uni versiteit (Turkije). Abstracts voor presentaties zijn welkom tot en met 21 november 2018. Meer informatie en een overzicht van alle acti viteiten is beschikbaar in IHO Circular Letter 32/2018. Ga naar, kies Letters Documents, vervolgens 2018, en tot slot CL32. (Thijs Ligteringen) Geodesy goodbye Roel Nicolai has stepped down from the Geomatics Committee's Geodesy Subcommittee - more than 20 years after having joined its preceding Working Group. Throughout, Roel has "stood out as a man of vision and technical aptitude," says Subcommittee Chairman, Roger Lott. "During his time on the Subcommittee Roel has been instrumental in the data modelling of the Geomatics Committee's flagship EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset ( He led its migration to the webbased platform at www.epsgregistry. org. Roel also edited early versions of the P1 and P2 seismic navigation data formats, in which he created terms that have entered into international mathematical literature". So committed has Roel been to Geodesy (the science of measuring and under standing the earth's geometric shape, its orientation in space and its gravity field - as well as the changes of these properties with time), that he remained on the Subcommittee for a full year after retiring from Shell. Roel's final contribution to IOGP's Geodesy Subcommittee work has been his editorship of the highly complex new Geomatics IJssellinie 'De Russen waren tot in detail op de hoogte. In de bunker hangt een ingelijst fragment van een stafkaart die werd gebruikt op de Oostblok- hoofdkwartieren: de IJssellinie staat er precies op ingetekend. Spionage was aan de orde van de dag, maar misschien zijn de plannen wel bewust gelekt, om de vijand te ontmoedigen.' (EO-gids Visie, 7-20 juli 2018, p. 39, zie ook Guidance Note 373-25 on dynamic coordinate reference systems - coordinates of points in these systems change with time. An example of the dynamic coordinate reference system is WGS 84 coordinate reference system used for GPS satellite navigation. Even after his departure from IOGP, Roel will continue with his passion. He will now concentrate on chairing the Dutch Society for the History of Geodesy and continue his research into the history of portolan charts, where he has demonstrated through the application of geodetic principles that academic theories for their origins are not correct. Roel's challenges to conventional wisdom will be missed by the Geodesy Subcommittee, IOGP and the industry as a whole. We wish him well in his 'retirement'. (IOGP: International Association of Oil Gas Producers) 76 2018-2 De Hollandse Cirkel

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De Hollandse Cirkel (DHC) | 2018 | | pagina 38