>f T y t, 95 J fe/j ^4, it j W^tr^i, - j* 3 ---^ .- "—pf rt"1- .bfwfvV .fcWWV -- »-*- -fc -«>bJ^«#£*|'* t*. Mfij ipJ* t. Jhfc fc* fi^L J»* J Wk bMrtrfii^jl *^1 .'-■ f P A-I^J ICnr «f I lil! I J*.- if- Ij** Jfcrf" u^LU,, J- i !_^iJ- Irt M #3fL I llifpl J - i- 4ïT^. y/fr i Witi iAiM^" W.*;W ÊriH frrii f *miiil.^4r i i^« pi- Ar w^<imiai p'i 1 i"-™* l4njl "«^ZTÏ J I jaj ('- - J f y*^- - --» »- *-■* »-■• - l*"~" t nP+#Li i »i t «r»"—-»*«■ i^i Vmii >ij*i n w 11 u -»-1!W jjiIV i>-l .rwm-rt, j' !Hg I "ap 4^ yl^fcf I#, t-r.W f-ft" - f II r I-* *- f%^t~r i^wSuL—tifc. 1 >m*eeWi Wl^ Iv'T A n>fi i- L* - *J - Vrti i "rtuj Jr—WJp. «HHk K^-^+jy' ^Wi frp'i^l.l jafc" wfi 1 I M-■* pirti. 1 I-»*- flj sJ-ï «f**- - f I fhljllj jt4W#aA W-- f - -H' y r ------ -— j- j=*h ffiM* ig*u*rtT *p k--- «p-^" i.t i-Vl 1 Wi J ;jry >->^rW-*ty.„..y I-J-.. A ..-**»" >-3^^,- w. L .InO yjTtvl I/MHHnyt fjjitm In-L-^jL I I iTi.a.* A.% t J -'fTTpf'. >n-frat. A ,-rtf Op .1 i J" Tf+i 1« A grant at the Cape of Good Hope - the rectangle of land No. 1 being 160 roods by 200 roods in Rondebosch. This was the grant to Steven's party called the 'Dutch garden (photographed by R. Fisher in the National Archives in The Hague). 2020-2 De Hollandse Cirkel

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

De Hollandse Cirkel (DHC) | 2020 | | pagina 49