HANGREGISTERS VOOR TEKENINGEN N.V. HANDELSVERENIGING HAGEN ROTTERDAM-1 TEL. 010-134890 KANTORENFLAT OOSTPLEIN TELEGR. ENVEHARO 29 But Pilon stood over him, and the trench stretched around the treasure place. It did no good to profess sickness, hunger, or weak ness. Pilon was inexorable, and Joe's crime of the blanket was held against him. Although he whined, complained, held up his hands to show how they were hurt, Pilon stood over him and forced the digging. Midnight came, and the trench was three feet down. The roosters of Montery crowed. The moon sank behind the trees. At last Pilon gave the word to move in on the treasure. The bursts of dirt came slowly now; Big Joe was exhausted. Just before daylight his shovel struck something hard. 'Ai,' het cried. 'We have it, Pilon.' The find was large and square. Frantically they dug at it in the dark, and they could not see it. 'Careful,' Pilon cautioned. 'Do not hurt it.' The daylight came before they had it out. Pilon felt metal and leaned down in the gray light to see. It was a good-sized square of concrete. On the top was a round brown plate. Pilon spelled out the words on it: UNITED STATES GEODETIC SURVEY 1915 ELEVATION 600 FEET Pilon sat down in the pit and his shoulders sagged in defeat. 'No treasure?' Big Joe asked plaintively. Pilon did not answer him. The Portagee in spected the cement post and his brow wrin kled with thought. He turned to the sorrowing Pilon. 'Maybe we can take this good piece of metal and sell it.' Pilon peered up out of his dejection. 'Johnny Pom-pom found one,' he said with a quietness of great disappointment. 'Johnny Pom-pom took the metal piece and tried to sell it. It is a year in jail to dig one of these up,' Pilon mourned. 'A year in jail and two thousand dollars fine.' In his pain Pilon wanted only to get away from this tragic place. He stood up, found a weed in which to wrap the wine bottle, and started down the hill. Big Joe trotted after him solicitously. 'Where are we going?' he asked. 'I don't know,' said Pilon. HET MODERNSTE EN MEEST ECONOMISCHE SYSTEEM VAN DEZE TIJD 4 VERSCHILLENDE UITVOERINGEN 17 VERSCHILLENDE AFMETINGEN MEER DAN 60.000.000 TEKENINGEN WERDEN REEDS IN GABS HANGREGISTERS GEBORGEN

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(NGT) Geodesia | 1963 | | pagina 29