r?x 7 X x ÈÉ- Plan of Portion 54- Parish of SaZrtca/ County of VemxmS LAND DISTRICT OF WALCH A LAND BOARD DISTRICT OF ARM1DALE APSLEY SHIRE Por 54- 20,fp- 53 ,-?> ■v -%*■' 55 Classification i.,.1 Abtf -W /S>r£ area set apart j5r /CP. at p act or CL -for Returned Soldiers only 1st. April 1320 !33){a. exrd ->s •V /G4fac r^— n G> L.J Wall CL. 02/22. UT 32333. 750a. je rd fhnert 89' 37' V.7#P H.J. Grundy cl. -zap V IS3a.ye.rd G f f 1 R 538G8 fm S»ltT R.538G9fa)litg^ \f 'u /J JIT for Pub. Roc" 1 "fhrs"? dPhla£lv£'flq**3 Hof l*Apnl IQ y?0 Reserve &r yt R. C.Grunay c.lto/s S .-•■ COUNTY PARISH AlunlilB tajcm. Grom. XY (tbr$3) H.l583K?t F»U Bock L D.345Pages 21 Reference to Corners N.L.tiertslet Cn.L-35/Z HAWES URIAMUKKl- Gum Imkj I r am. fnm 58-0 i 54 00. i 234-° 38r 735-4 2 251 5Z 179-0 3 8S3 33 6 Reference to Traverse 71 Messmate 10- O ?0.5S.54 50 \Jiiessmate 8 854 55 28 8 29 8 69 i If2 frf 2 55-mgyb* 62 09 Stringyb1 - 338 5+ R. 54 R.54 5+ 4- S G> y 8 9 /O 12 13 15 17 18 290 303 289 J/O 25/ 352 333 352 SO O ZJO 13 330 3/0 ?93 804- OA. 593-3'" 430-9 4/80-'f 754 -7 I059-0 472-7 685-f 9/5-2 1595-1 558 O 20G5 -4 993-8 531 3 i Joseph Charles Pitp/t- 0r Gunned oh.. - a. Surveyor mne treed umler the Sueveyeem Act .1313 do hereby ootemn* and smcrrvldeclare thai- (be *ur»*V represented, m Ihio plan, hMO been, made by me. in. accordance with (he Surety Practice Regulation* 1D3S and- the axtedal rrauievmente of the Department, of Lande rear crinxolried on. the 25^ SccrCemben 1940 and. Am 'l rl/rs-rff mar be hai r been placed <u whmen hereon And maAe thie eoiemn declaration ooneaeniiouoly ttiJiOrmg the same to be true, and by virtue of the prone tone of the Oalho Ad .9RÊ. Surveyor rfgietered under the SueVeyerm Ad t Suhecribed. and declared before «u ed Cf Uu* /&_- day ofOtUoGer Strike, out when, not required r, Juotic* of the Treiiewntird te the Dieteiet Sueweyer wdhiHf,fetter *f /0/0. d-O

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(NGT) Geodesia | 1969 | | pagina 13