literatuur GEMEENTE RENKUM een IV I IUU I (M/V) De hieronder vermelde tijdschriften enz. kunnen door de lezers van Geodesia worden geleend uit de bibliotheek van de afdeling Landmeetkunde van de HTS voor de Bouwkun de, t.a.v. B. J. Klein Rouweler, Vondellaan 2 te Utrecht. ITC JOURNAL 1979-1 Ormeling, ITC Annual Report 1978. Van der VJeete, Inter national Education in the Netherlands (The Sixth Scher- merhorn Lecture, 1978). Rengers, Remote Sensing for en gineering geology: possibilities and limitations (adapted from 1978 ISP presented paper). Botman, Kubik, On the theoretical accuracy of the moving average method for sur face estimation. Yanez, Geomorphological applications using aerial photographs: two case studies in Venezuela. Spagna, The use of aerial photographs in engineering geo morphological mapping for road planning and mainte nance. Makarovic, Tempfli, Digitising images for auto matic processing in photogrammetry. Hempenius, Remote sensing: how far and how fine. De Man, Schaap, A model for incorporating the element of space and some aspects of the basic human needs approach in regional develop ment planning. Juppenlatz, The urban involution process. 1979-2 Bouloucos, The reliability of the observations of points in planimetrie independent model blocks. Hilwig, Selection of Landsat MSS data for inventories of earth resources. Banyard, Radar interpretation based on photo-truth keys. Versteegh, The effects of plot size and plot spacing on the precision of line plot sampling in a tropical rain forest. Kemper, Examples of aerial photo-interpretation in soil surveys for an agricultural land development project in North East Brazil. Van Baren, The International Soil Museum at Wageningen. 1979-3 Robertson, The project cycle. Paredes, Process of plan ning in Ecuador. Van der Pluijm, An introduction to plan ning and its socio-economic aspects at the national and regional level. Evaly, Paraguayan development. Siame, The pilot farm as an element of multi-disciplinary surveys for agricultural pre-investment studies in Zambia. Adewole Osunade, Rural development planning in South West Cameroon. Malvarez, An integrated approach to the eva luation of natural resources for development programmes. McHardy, Information needs for urban housing, Kingston, Jamaica. Mathu, Urban improvement scheme, Kawang- ware settlement, Nairobi, Kenya. Nossin, Integrated methodology in surveying for development alternatives. De Man, Linear programming. Susanto, Collection of natural resources data as a basis for regional development plan ning in Indonesia. De Vos, Land evaluation for land use planning. Caló, Data handling in a land evaluation project. 1979-4 Zonneveld, Land information, ecology and development. Stellingwerf, Orthophoto maps and/or Landsat print-outs for forestry: aspects of a quantification problem. Woldia, Geomorphology and land use of the Jianghan Plain and surroundings, Hubei Province, China, from Landsat ima gery. Tricart, Comparaison des informations "écographi- ques" fournies par trois types de radars. Bergsma, Initial development of the ITC Multiscope for photo-interpreta tion. Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten 1980-1 Schnadelbach, Neuere Verfahren zur prazisen Langen- und Höhenmessung. Kahmen, Instrumenteller Entwicklungs- stand der elektronischen Tachymetrie. Pelzer, Messtech- nische Möglichkeiten zur permanenten Überwachung von Bauwerken und Maschinenanlagen. Niemeier, Zur Aus- wertung geodatischer Meszreihen. Bij de afdeling Landmeten van de dienst ge- aagd meentewerken te Oosterbeek wordt gevraagd tekenaar Funktie-inhoud: vervaardigen van grootschalige kaarten uit terrein- en kadastrale metingen; alle overige werkzaamheden als het maken van teke ningen voor aan- of verkoop van gronden; bijhouden c.q. vernieuwen van huisnummeringskaarten. Funktie-eisen: CTO of gelijkwaardige opleiding, ervaring met kadastraal tekenwerk. Salaris: tussen f 1.569,— voor een 19-jarige tot maximaal f 2.545, per maand, nader overeen te komen. Sollicitaties binnen een week na het verschijnen van dit blad onder nummer 208 op de enveloppe te zenden aan burgemeester en wethouders van Renkum, gemeentehuis te Oosterbeek. 280 NGT GEODESIA 80

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(NGT) Geodesia | 1980 | | pagina 26