landmeetkunde leidingenregistratie ingenieurs- en adviesbureau gen über grössere Entfernungen. Mönicke, Zur Bestimmung von Lotrichtungsdifferenzen aus gegenseitig beobachteten Vertikal- winkeln. Muller, Dreidimensionale Netzausgleichung in einem kar- tesischen Koordinatensystem. 1982-6 Saxena, Hydrographic Surveys of the 1990's. Egelkamp, Huep, Niemeier, Bestimmung von kurz- und langfristigen Deformationen an der Schleuse Uelzen. Schuhr, Zur Tunneldurchschlagsprognose aus vermittelnden Lagenetzausgleichungen. Bender, Die Bestim mung der Orthogonal-, bzw. Radialabstande fester Objekte zu Ver- kehrswegen. Nittinger, Zur Entstehung der Landerkompetenz für das Vermessungswesen. ITC-Journal 1981-3 Mulder, Spectral correlation filters and natural colour coding. Mole naar, Some problem areas in the field of Quality control for aero- triangulation. d'Audretsch, Gelens, Rural development in the humid tropics. Amer, Theoretical reliability of elementary photo- grammetric procedures. Zorn, The application of programmable pocket calculators for computations during survey flights. Trus- trum, Christensen-Widt, Somers-Cocks, Stephens, Colour compo site printing of multispectral aerial photographs. 1981-4 Hielkema, Desert locust habitat monitoring with satellite remote sensing. Si/leos, The effect of calcium carbonate on soil erodibility in a survey area in northern Greece. Amer, Theoretical reliability of elementary photogrammetric procedures, part 2. Bergsma, Indices of rain erosivity. Djazmati, Derivation of least squares estimators by means of idempotent matrices. Adu, The geomorphology, soils, water resources and land use potential of the Nasia River Basin, Ghana. 1982-1 Van der Weele, 30 years in retrospect. Nossin, Data collection for development planning. Zonneveld, The ecosciences in resource and environmental surveys. Meijerink, Hydrology and survey planning. Jawara, ITC and the Third World. Syal, Development strategies, decision-makers and ITC. Jerie, Kure, Photogrammetry. VanZuylen, Computer-assisted cartography. Bead, Survey aircraft. Voute, Remote sensing. Kartografisch Tijdschrift 1981-4 Brown, Gelijkmatig verlopende grijsschalen. Karssen, Het vervaar digen van een kartografisch kleurenschema. Karssen, Sijmons, De productie van een topografische overzichtskaart van de Fiji Eilan den. Voss-Eiden, Maakt de daglichtfilm een eind aan de duisternis? De Jonge, Een eenvoudig ponsregisterapparaat. Ellens, Kartografie en ergonomie. Bosma, Fietsers vergelijken kaarten. 1982-1 Koeman, Bij het afscheid van professor Ormeling. Böhme, Profes sor Ormeling und die International Cartographic Association (ICA). Verstappen, F. J. Ormeling in Indonesië. Willems, Atlaskartografie in Nederland 1945-1980. Van Zuylen, Het ITC en de consulting op kartografisch gebied. Voskuil, Nieuwe geologische kaarten voor Indonesië. Thissen, Openluchtrecreatie in Nederland. 1982-2 Bunschoten, De bodemstatistiek van het CBS. Plender, Nieuwe grondgebruikskaarten van de Rijksplanologische Dienst. Bertrand, Oude kaarten ontdekt bij Changsha in China. Van Slobbe, Kaarten verzamelingen in Nederland: Het Geografisch Instituut van de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Van der Velden, Van de Waal, De FOBID- beschrijvingsregels voor kartografische documenten. Ormeling, De wereldenergiekaart van Het Spectrum. Survey Review 1982-1 Covell, Büeger, Multiplicity of cyclic errors in electro-optical distance meters. Thomas, The six methods of finding North using a suspended gyroscope. Ethrog, Schmutter, Processing and adjustment of a traverse network. Subramaniam, Weights for geo- potential numbers in adjustment computations. 1982-2 Thomas, The six methods of finding North using a suspended gyro scope. Emenike, A simplified approach to accurate EDM instru ment calibration. Ashkenazi, McLintock, Very long baseline interfe- remetry: An introduction and geodetic applications. Pugh, Three- dimensional locational fixation in rapid detail plotting. Rylance, Karyplummet, a vertical reference line. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 1982-1 Grün, The accuracy potential of the modern bundle block adjust ment in aerial photogrammetry. AH, Brandenberger, Analytical triangulation of space photography. Frobin, Hierho/zer, Calibration and model reconstruction in analytical close-range stereophoto- grammetry. Part I: Mathematical fundamentals. Kondo, Ohba, Murata, The location of three-dimensional linear objects by using multiple projections. Abdel-Aziz, Nonphotogrammetric plotters for photogrammetric applications. Schöler, Production of photogram metric stereopairs by beam division in single-lens cameras. Arp, Griesbach, Bums, Mapping in tropical forests: A new approach using the laser APR. Brisco, Protz, Manual and automatic crop identification with airborne radar imagery. Schreider, Goodfellow, Lavkulich, The use of digital multi-date Landsat imagery in terrain classification. Hutchinson, Techniques for combining Landsat and ancillary data for digital classification improvement. Rosenfield, Fitzpatrick-Linz, Ling, Sampling for thematic map accuracy testing. Mead, Szajgin, Landsat classification accuracy assessment proce dures. 1982-2 Abdel-Aziz, Accuracy of the normal case of close-range photo grammetry. Frobin, Hierholzer, Calibration and model reconstruc tion in analytical close-range stereophotogrammetry. Part II: Spe cial evaluation procedures for rasterstereography and Moiré topo graphy. Philipson, Liang, An airphoto key for major tropical crops. Quirk, Scarpace, A comparison between aerial photography and Landsat for computer land-cover mapping. Curran, Multispectral photographic remote sensing of green vegetation biomass and pro ductivity. Lillesand, Meisner, LaMois, Downs, Deuel/, Use of GEOS and TIROS/NOAA satellite data for snow-cover mapping. Watson, Hummer-Miller, Sawatzky, Registration of heat capacity mapping mission day and night images. Lougeay, Landsat thermal imaging of alpine regions. Myhre, Satellite photos can aid navigation on aerial photo missions. Fay, Nazemetz, Sandford, Taneja, Walsh, An intelligent earth sensing information system. Lillesand, Trends and issues in remote sensing education. A Hoofdkantoor: Dordrecht - tel. 078 - 14 70 53 Afd. landmeten - tel. 078 - 14 58 38 Bijkantoren: Utrecht, Den Haag, Dordrecht NGT GEODESIA 82 409

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