literatuur een pionier van de ruilverkaveling in ons land wordt genoemd. In 1938 werd al uit erkentelijkheid voor zijn werk een weg naar hem genoemd in de gemeente. Het boekje over de „ruilverkaveling der Staphorster bouwlanden" werd op 5 juni jl. ten doop gehouden in het gemeentehuis van Staphorst. Het bevat een verslag over de ruilverkaveling van wijlen de heer JJGorter zelf. Dit manuscript is beschikbaar gesteld door een zoon van hem, die in de gemeentelijke uitgave vooraf iets over de persoon en levensloop van zijn vader vertelt. Deze zoon, ir. J. K. Gorter, is jarenlang tot aan zijn pensioen werkzaam geweest bij de Landinrichtingsdienst. Het boekje is te verkrijgen bij het gemeentebestuur van Staphorst tegen de prijs van f 3,50 (tel. 05225 - 2844). PROCEEDINGS UDM-SORSA SYMPOSIUM Van 3 t.m. 6 juni 1985 werd in het Nederlands Congresgebouw te 's-Gravenhage het 11e Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS) in combinatie met de 10e bijeenkomst van de Spatially- Oriented Referencing Systems Association (SORSA) gehouden. Dit Symposium stond in het teken van het thema Information needs for local authorities". Daarbij werd vooral aandacht besteed aan: de rol van vastgoed- en geografische informatiesystemen bij de gemeentelijke planning en besluitvorming; de „state of the art" van de huidige informatiesystemen; de ontwikkeling van de informatietechnologie. In dit kader werden o.a. papers over de volgende onderwerpen ge presenteerd: informatievoorziening en besluitvorming; ontwerpen van informatiesystemen; topografische en thematische kaartvervaardiging; statistische informatie; leidingenregistratie en leidingenbeheer; microcomputer voor informatiesystemen. Daarnaast werd aandacht besteed aan de lokale informatiebehoefte in ontwikkelingslanden. De gepresenteerde papers beschrijven ontwikkelingen en belang rijke projecten, zoals die momenteel gaande zijn in Europa, de VS, Canada en een aantal ontwikkelingslanden. De prijs van de proceedings van dit Symposium bedraagt f 100,— (excl. verzendkosten). Bestelling kan geschieden bij: mevr. E. M. Seinstra-Fendel, UDMS-SORSA secretariaat, Thijsseweg 11, 2629 JA Delft. Tel. 015 - 78 45 48 78 27 44. DE RIJKSCOMMISSIE VOOR GEODESIE Door de Rijkscommissie voor Geodesie is de volgende uitgave ge publiceerd: On the principles, assumptions and methods of geodetic Very Long Baseline interferometry, door Frits J.J. Brouwer. ISBN 90 6132 232 4. De hieronder vermelde tijdschriften kunnen door de lezers van NGT Geodesia worden geleend bij ing. H. A. Schok, Vak groep Landmeetkunde van de Landbouwhogeschool, post bus 339, 6700 AH Wageningen. Photogrammetric Engineering Remote Sensing 1984-4 Richardson, Pioneers and Problems of Early American Photogram- metry. Quinn, Legal Aspects of Photogrammetric Measurements for Surveying and Mapping. Mundy, Evaluation of Analytical Plot ters for the Commercial Mapping Firm. Rosenthal, Bianchard, Acti ve Microwave Responses: An Aid in Improved Crop Classification. Frank, Assessing Change in the Surficial Character of a Semiarid Environment with Landsat Residual Images. Trivedi, Wyatt, Ander son, Voorheis, Designing a Deer Detection System Using a Multi stage Classification Approach. 1984-5 Henriksen, Photogrammetric Geodesy over Large Regions. Ger- gen, The Geodetic Basis for Precise Photogrammetric Densifica- tion. Perry, Photogrammetric Summary of the Ada County Project. Lucas, Photogrammetric Densification of Control in Ada County, Idaho: Data Processing and Results. Tayman, User Guide for the USGS Aerial Camera Report of Calibration. Vozikis, Some Theore tical and Practical Aspects of the OR1 /SORA-PR System. Ahmed, Photogrammetric Application of a Video System in Three-Dimen sional Recording. Civco, A Semi-Automated Procedure for Identi fying Landsat MSS Subregion Coordinates. Dottavio, Dottavio, NGT GEODESIA 85 Potential Benefits of New Satellite Sensors to Wetland Mapping. Nelson, Latty, Mott, Classifying Northern Forests Using Thematic Mapper Simulator Data. 1984-6 KrabiH, Collins, Link, Swift, Butler, Airborne Laser Topographic Mapping Results. Papo, Gelbman, Digital Terrain Models for Slopes and Curvatures. Okamoto, The Model Construction Pro blem Using the Collinearity Condition. El-Hakim, Ziemann, A Step- by-Step Strategy for Gross-Error-Detection. Aronoff, An Approach to Optimized Labeling of Image Classes. Moreton, Richards, Irri gated Crop Inventory by Classification of Satellite Image Data. Brisco, Ulaby, Protz, Improving Crop Classification through Atten tion to the Timing of Airborne Radar Acquisitions. 1984-8 Eraser, Network Design Considerations for Non-Topographic Pho- togrammetry. Siegwarth, LaBreque, Carroll, Volume Uncertainty of a Large Tank Calibrated by Photogrammetry. Hofmann, Navé, Ebner, DPS A Digital Photogrammetric System for Producing Digital Elevation Models and Orthophotos by Means of Linear Ar ray Scanner Imagery. Needham, Smith, Consequences of En larging 35-mm Aerial Photography. Lo, Wu, New Town Monitoring from Sequential Aerial Photographs. Savastano, Faller, iverson, Estimating Vegetation Coverage in St. Joseph Bay, Florida with an Airborne Multispectral Scanner. Abrams, Landsat-4 Thematic Mapper and Thematic Mapper Simulator Data for a Porphyry Cop per Deposit. Hame, Landsat-Aided Forest Site Type Mapping. Brandenberg, Economic Impact of World Wide Mapping. 1984-9 50th Anniversary Issue. Storms, Meiborg, Tubis, Riley, Hall, Gale, Historical Highlights of Photogrammetry in the U.S.: 1904- 1984. Photogrammetric Pioneers. Quinn, Professionalism in the Ameri can Society of Photogrammetry. Co/well, From Photographic In terpretation to Remote Sensing. Tewinkel, The Nine-Lens Camera of the Coast Geodetic Survey. Brugioni, Photo Interpretation and Photogrammetry in World War II. Smart, ISP VII Congress, Washington, D.C., 1952. Tewinkel, The Development of Analytic Aerotriangulation. Southard, Highlights of U.S. Geological Survey Activities in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Swanson, The Development of Geometric Satellite Triangulation and Field Opera tions. Roswell, Darling, Development of Automated Photogram metry by U.S. Military Map Makers. Sanders, Fiftieth Anniversary Highlights: Stereoscopy, Its History and Uses. 1984-10 Williams, Lyons, Ferrigno, Quinn, Evaluation of the National Ar chives Program to Convert Nitrate Aerial Photographs of the United States to a Stable-Base Film. Ahmed, A Parallel Case of Photogrammetry and its Application in Narrow Transits. Trinder, Pointing Precisions on Aerial Photography. Southworth, The Side- Looking Airborne Radar Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. Haack, Multisensor Data Analysis of Urban Environments. Kolm, Case, The Identification of Irrigated Crop Types and Estimation of Acreages from Landsat Imagery. Thomas, Allcock, Determinating the Confidence Level for a Classification. Crapper, An Estimate of the Number of Boundary Cells in a Mapped Landscape Coded to Grid Cells. 1984-11 Thorpe, CPS: Computed Photo Scale. Benson, Myers, Craig, Ga briel, Swan, A Camera Mount and Intervalometer for Small Format Aerial Photography. Evans, Mata, Acquisition of 35-mm Oblique Photographs for Stereoscopic Analysis and Measurement. Schrei er, Lougheed, Gibson, Russell, Calibrating and Airborne Laser Pro filing System. Watkins, The Effect of Residential Structure Varia tion on Dwelling Unit Enumeration from Aerial Photographs. Maxim, Harrington, On Optimal Two-Stage Cluster Sampling for Aerial Surveys with Detection Errors. 1984-12 Begni, Leger, Dinguirard, An In-Flight Refocusing Method for SPOT HRV Cameras. Ramey, Smith, Simulation of Errors in a Landsat Based Crop Estimation System. Toll, An Evaluation of Simulated Thematic Mapper Data and Landsat MSS Data for Dis criminating Suburban and Regional Land Use and Land Cover. Ferns, Zara, Barber, Application of High Resolution Spectroradio- metry to Vegetation. Labovitz, Masuoka, Feldmann, Changes in Vegetation Spectra with Leaf Deterioration under Two Methods of Preservation. Henry, Automated Design in Minneapolis and Hen nepin County, Minnesota. 1985-1 Aronoff, Political Implications of Full Cost Recovery for Land Re mote Sensing Systems. Khorram, Development of water Quality Models Applicable throughout the Entire San Francisco Bay and Delta. Knepper, Raines, Determining Stretch Parameters for Litho- 299

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(NGT) Geodesia | 1985 | | pagina 25