Springer International An invaluable addition to all geoscientists' libraries: r, theoretical geodesy, processing advanced potentia! theory. ^temporary manuscripta geodaeUca1 geosciences for casing depth. Managing Editor: GW. Hem r d E W. Grafarend, Rnard* G.Balmmo, C.k..vjuau, n.Moritz, international Editor* H.Kautzleben, E.Lmeratos, H B.Groten (Cha'™a ESansö, B.Tapley, P.Vamle1 R.H.Rapp,RRummel' ipringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo I o I Subscription Information: ISSN 0340-8825 Title No. 370 1986, Volume 111 (4 issues): DM98,- plus carriage charges. Detailed infor mation and sample copy from: leidelberger Platz 3, D-1000 Berlin 33 75 Fifth Ave.. New York, NY 10010, USA 7-3. Hongo 3-chome. Bunkyo-ku. Tokyo 113, Japan 237

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(NGT) Geodesia | 1986 | | pagina 43