An example where a generic model in the form aggre gated features are used as a basis for an interpretation is given in [26], describing buildings with flat roofs by homo geneous areas with boundaries consisting of polygons with rectangles only. Then local groups of edges, their mutual relations (rectangular) and their relation to the interior of a region is used to generate building hypo thesis. The model is local, in the sense that the relations to neighbouring segments are not incorporated. The final decision on the classification is left to the human analyst. We do not want to evaluate these techniques with respect to object modelling in image analysis. Actually all re presentations are used frequently [9, 11, 16, 32, 38, 50, 67, 70, 85, 86 and 87]. Moreover they may serve as a sufficiently good description of the object model in not too complex circumstances. We only want to comment on two problems which one are faced when applying generic models to image analysis: 1. there is no commonly accepted methodology to for malize knowledge, here to establish object, image, analysis or interpretation models. The problem of knowledge acquisition is as old as Al. There is no clear way to avoid the impression of ad-hoc-ery (which may be not so different also in hard sciences). The ap propriateness and the predictive power of the model, being a kind of theory, still is the only way to evaluate the quality of a chosen model. The advantage of rule- based descriptions, also useful for representing se mantic networks of frames, is their flexibility and their expressive power, especially in case non-specialists have to use image analysis systems [7], The problem how to represent uncertainty of data, relations or classes in a coherent way is not solved yet, especially if hard decisions during the analysis should be avoided and the quality of image analysis proce dures has to be evaluated by comparing the result of empirical tests with theoretical predictions. This is due to the lack of an observation theory for fuzzy measures and belief functions though their mathematics can be related to the classical probabilistic techniques [1, 47 and 84]. 2. the computational complexity of the analysis proce dures in principle is prohibitively high, as the task of labelling image features is NP-complete 7). All tech niques to circumvent this problem therefore are sub- optimal. Classical examples are decision trees [4], which require hard decisions, clique formations, which try to balance the influence of the local and the global context [85] or techniques based on perceptual group ing, which exploit the containment hierarchies within the object models [14 and 64], Parallel techniques are relaxation [41 and 62] which under certain conditions guarantee to find the global optimum of an inter pretation. Meta-information and fusing object models The use of a single object model may be sufficient in some specialized cases. If two or more models of the object are used within the same image analysis proce dure the generic problem arises how to fuse different object models. This problem is even more complex than 7) A problem is called NP-complete (non-polynomial-complete) if its algorithmic complexity is larger than polynomial, i.e. the compu tation time grows faster than any polynomial, e.g. exponentially. 380 using object models in a knowledge based interpretation system, as the semantic consistency between the dif ferent object models has to be provided. In our context there are several cases of pairing object models (in cluding examples): analyst1, analyst2 (say a geologist and a soil scientist); analyst, map [42 and 48]; analyst, generic model [26 and 32]; map1, map2 (e.g. having different scale and/or age); map, generic model [11 and 63]; generic model1, generic model2. Having two generic models is the one which is equivalent to having two data-models in federated data bases and is the case where the problems of model fusion are best visible [46, 81 and 88] 1semantic equivalence. Two concepts refer to the same real world object. This is the most simple problem, E.g. is the point type object in one map the same real world object as the area type object in the larger scale map of the same area? Scale differences usually lead to different granularity of concepts (see below). Some times it may be possible to establish semantic equiva lence automatically. Another example is the differently looking but semantically equivalent result of two analy sis processes; 2. semantic heterogeneity. This will be the most frequent situation. Examples for semantic heterogeneity are manyfold different context of concepts, e.g. the location of an object may be described by 2 or by 3 co-ordinates; different representation, e.g. an area may be re presented in raster or vector format [66 and 92]; different cardinality of relations, e.g. the relation visible-from may be defined as a 1 n or as a m n relation; different granularity, e.g. a containment hierarchy is only designed for GIS-analysis not for image analysis purposes, neglecting details being not es sential for GIS-applications but essential for auto matic image interpretation; unit differences, e.g. feet versus meters. Semantic heterogeneity thus is related to different re presentations which, however, refer to similar aspects of the same object; 3. semantic discrepancy. This is the hardest case as the same concept/class in different knowledge/informa tion sources refers to different real world objects. A typical example is the notion 'road' used in different analysis procedures, e.g. in case the minimum and maximum widths differ. This example also reveals that such discrepancies may occur within the same envi ronment, in case it changes over time, which is the normal case in program development: The notion 'road' today is not the notion 'road' tomorrow in case the algorithm changed. Semantic consistency only can be achieved if meta-data are available. Meta-data describe the interpretation of the data thus are part of the representation (see above). But meta-data usually are not accessible by the program which works with the data but (hopefully) contained in the documentation. A first step to improve semantic consis tency is the paradigm of object oriented programming, where changes of objects only can be performed within specified ranges. The necessity to explicitly store the semantics of knowl edge, however, was already stressed in the 70th [13 and NGT SEODESIA 93 - 8

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