juridische status te beschikken. Deze iden tificatie is vaak gebaseerd op een hiërarchie van administratieve gebieden (provincies/ districten/kantons/.gemeenten/ woongemeenschappen/.secties/poly gonen/. en soms op het moederperceel (splitsen van perceel ...J...J..../37resulteert in /37/1 en ..../..../..../37/2). Op Europees niveau dienen de nationale identificaties voorzien te worden van een landcodevoorvoegsel teneinde ze uniek te maken binnen Europa. Daarnaast kunnen er expliciete relaties tussen voorgangers en opvolgers gecreëerd worden. De kadastrale informatie moet continu bijgehouden wor den om de actuele juridische situatie weer te geven. Op grond van het rechtszekerheids- belang wordt de historie in enkele landen bijgehouden, maar dit zou in heel veel andere landen ook het geval moeten zijn. Het gegevensmodel kadastrale percelen van INSPIRE is dusdanig voorbereid dat het de comptabiliteit van het toekomstige internationale ISO19152, LADM (Land Administration Domain Model) ondersteunt (ISO/TC211,2009). Het INSPIRE-model is compatibel met LADM en kan in de toekomst uitgebreid worden met elementen zoals opgenomen in LADM. Verschillende Europese landen ciass inspire cad parcels based on ladm pure LA_LAUnit «FeatureType» BasicPropertyUnit inspireid: Identify nationalCadastralReference: CharacterString areaValue: Area [0..1] validFrom: DateTime validTo: DateTime [0..1] name: CharacterString [0] quality: DCLEIement [0] source: CLResponsibleParty [0] ;:LA^LAUnit nationalCadastralReference: Oid name: CharacterString (0..1] ;:VersionedObject DeginUfespanVersion: DateTime endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1] quality: DCLEIement [0..*] source: CLResponsibleParty [0..*] Note: The LADM attributes inherited by INSPIRE can have a more speciffc data type or cardinality in INSPIRE (compared to LADM). Thishasbeen included n the diagram. This impliesthat an optional LADM attribute j0..1], might not occur at all in INSPIRE as the cardinality can be set to 0; e.g. volume in Cadastral Parcel. This also implies that an optional LADM attribute [0..1], might be an obligatory attribute in INSPIRE; e.g. label in CadastralZoning. /derived LADM 0..* 0..* /derived LADM 1..2 LA_FaceString «FeatureType» CadastralBoundary geometry: GM_Cuive inspireid: Identify [0 4 validFrom: DateTime [0..1] validTo: DateTime [0..1] fsID: Oid [0] iocationByText: CharacterString [0] quality: DQ_Eiement [0] source: C! RepVsponsibieParty [0] ;;LA„FaceStcing fsID: Oid [0..1] geometry: GM. MultiCurve [0..1] IocationByText: CharacterString [0..1] eslimaiedAccuracy: Length [0..1] VersionedObject beginLifespanVerston: DateTime endUfespanVera'on: DateTime [0..1] quality: DQ_Element [0..*] source: CLResponsibleParty [0..*] 0..* LA_Parcel «FeatureType» CadastralParcel geometry: GM_Object inspireid: Identife label: CharacterString nationalCadastralReference: CharacterString areaValue: Area [0..1] validFrom: DateTime [0..1] validTo: DateTime [0..1] dimension: LAJDimensionType [0] area: LA„ AreaValue [0] t volume: LA_.VolumeValue [0] address: ExtAddress [0] quality: DCLEIement [0] source: CLResponsibleParty [0] ::LA_SpatialUnit nationalCadastralReference: Oid label: CharacterString [0..1] referencePoint: GM_Point[0..1] dimension; LA_DimenaonType [0..1] area: LA_AreaValue [0..*] volume: LA_VolumeValue [0..*] address: ExtAddress [0..*] r.VersionedObject beginUfespanVersion: DateTime endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1] quality: DQ.. Element [0..*] source: CLResponableParty [0..*] «CodeList» CadastralZoningLevel 1 st-order 2nd-order 3rd-order /derived LADM /derived LADM 0..* LA_SpatialUnit$ei «FeatureType» CadastralZoning geometry: GM_MultiSurface inspireid: Identify [0 .1) label: CharacterString nationalCadastralZoningReference: CharacterString estimatedAccuracy: Length [0..1] level: CadastralZoningLevel levelName: LocalisedCharacterString [1..*] name: GeographicalName [0..*] originalMapScaleDenominator: Integer [0..1] validFrom: DateTime [0..1] validTo: DateTime [0..1] quality: DQ_Element [0] source: CLResponsibleParty [0] :;LA_„$patialUnitSet nationalCadastralZoningReference: Oid level: Integer label: CharacterString [0..1] name: CharacterString [0..1] referencePoint: GM_Point[0..1] yVersionedObject beginLifespanVersion: DateTime endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1] quality: DQ. Element [0..*] source: CLResponableParty [0..*] Fig. 2. Het INSPIRE kadastraal perceelmodel afgeleid van LADM via overerving. Geo-lnfo 2010-1 33

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Geo-Info | 2010 | | pagina 35