THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CARTOGRAPHY Amsterdam, 17-22 April 19&7 G E N ER A L PRO GR A MM 2 Monday, 17 April 10.00 a.m. Opening Session Address of Welcome by Dr.P.J. Koets Alderman of the Municipality of Amsterdam Brig. D.E.O.Thackwell President of the International Car- tographic Association Introductions by Dr.C.Koeman Chairman of the Exhibition Committee Dr.S.H. Levie Director of the Municipal Musea Prof.Dr.FJ.Ormeling Chairman of the Organizing Gommitte» FIRST SESSION under the chairmanship of chief-engineer geographer Mr.S. de Brommer (France), Chairman of Commission I Subject: Training of Cartographers 2.00 Brommer - Las activites cartographiques et la (France) formation des cartographes 2.20 Prof.Ernst Spiess - La role des cartographesleurs rap- (Switzerlandports avec les auteurs de cartes TsäPSP - Present and futural needs of carto- Japan) graphs 3.30 M.Brice Burroughs - The charactaristics of cartographic (U.S.A.) training centres 3.50 Ing.Hans Veit - Les modes de recrutement des carto- (B.R.D.) graphes 4.10 I.P.Zaroutskaya - Propositions d'amelioration de 1'enseignement cartographique 4.25 DISCUSSION Tuesday, 18 April SECOND SESSION under the chairmanship of Prof.E.Spiess (Switzerland Subjects Map and Colour. To be introduced by the past IC A. President Prof.E.Imhof overzicht van de voordrachten 13-9

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Kaartbulletin | 1967 | | pagina 11