9 .00 9.50 10.10 11.00 11.20 11.35 Prof .E.Imhof Switzerland Prof .Dr.Heupal (B.R.D.) Gen.Brig.C.Traversi (italy) Ing.Nunez de las Cuevas Spain Prof.A.H.Robinson (U.S.A.) Discussion - Die Kunst in der Kartographie (in German) - Colour in topographical mapping - L'emploi du vert dans las cartes to- pographiques - Colour in topographical ffiapping Psychological Aspects of Color in Cartography 2.00 2.20 2.40 3.30 4.00 4.20 4.35 Dr.Eng.Andrzij Makowski (Poland) - - V.N. Philin (U.S.S.R. E.I. Chaloogin (U.S.S.R.) Discussion Atlas Cartography R.J.M.J.Bertrand (Balgium) Metacart ographv W.R. Heath (U.S.A.) Discussion Wednesday, 19 Aprji THIRD SESSION - Aesthetic and utilirian aspects of colour in cartography - Colour metrics in cartography - The use of photoluminescence in car tography - La base des cartes geographiques des atlas scolaires - Gartographic Perimeters 9.00 9.20 9,40 under the chairmanship of Prof.E.Meynen.(B.R.D.)Chairman of Commission II Subject: Definition, Classification and,Standardization of Cartographic Terms - Report on the Activities of ICA-Commis- sion II, Definition, Classification and Standardization of cartographic terms - Cartographical terms - an indicator of development of the cartographical scienc'e and practica Prof .E.Meynen (B.R.D.) A.M.Komkov (U.S.S.R.) F.Bonnet-Dupeyron (France Suggestions as to the Classification of-cartographic terms 13 - 10

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Kaartbulletin | 1967 | | pagina 12