286 Germany. The latest dated map in our atlas is of 1664. It is the map 'Regni Hunga- riae nova et exactissima delineatio. Apud Johannem Blaeu 1664'. As said before, the detailed investigations have not yet been finished. The result of it will probably throw some light on the history of atlas making in the house of Blaeu. This, combined with the new data on some formerly unknown copies of W. J. Blaeu's first atlas The Atlantis Appendix of 1630 seemed important enough to be communicated to those who are interested in Dutch cartography of the first half of the 17th centurv.

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografie | 1960 | | pagina 14