507 Population Distribution of the U.S.A.. Ranally trading area map of the U.S.A.. Topographie Mapping in the U.S.A.. Republica del Peru. World Crude Oil Production and Refining Capacity 1962. World Route Chart. AANKONDIGIN GEN Prepared by the Geographical Division, Bureau of the Census, U.S. Dept. of Commerce. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 1963. Schaal 1 5 000 000. 66 x 90 cm. De kaart geeft de spreiding van de stads- en plattelandsbevolking voor het jaar 1960. Rand McNally Co., Chicago 1963. Schaal 1:3 000 000. 111x 161 cm. Ter begeleiding is verkrijgbaar: Trading Area Manual, Chicago 1963. Status and Progress of Operations. United States Geological Survey, Washington D.C. 1963. Deze indexkaart toont alle gepubliceerde en in voorbereiding zijnde topografische en plani- metrische kaarten van de federale kaarteringsdiensten. Schaal 1 5 000 000. Insets: Alaska, Ha- wai, Puerto Rico. Topografische kaarten 1 1 000 000, uitgegeven door Instituto Geografico Militär, Lima 1963. Transversale Mercatorprojectie. 8 bladen van 61 x 83 cm. W e r e 1 d Published by the Petroleum Information Bureau, London 1963. Schaal 1 21 000 000. Mercator projectie. 71 x 96 cm. In kleuren uitgevoerd. Published by John Bartholome-» Sons, Edinburgh 1963. Schaal 1 75 000 000. Mercatorprojec tie. 67 x 95 cm. Deze verkeerskaart toont de belangrijkste spoorwegen, scheepvaart- en luchtlijnen. PUBLICAT1ES Barth, L., Bild und Karte im Erdkunde-Unterricht. Volk und Wissen, Volkseigener Verlag, Berlin 1963. Butterfield, B. Maps and Mapping. Doubleday Publishing Company, Garden City, N.Y. 1963. Denstman, H. Schultz, M. J., Photographic Reproduction. Methods, Techniques and Ap plications for Engineering and the Graphic Arts. Mc.Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New York/London 1963. Eugene AverY, T., Interpretation of Aerial Photographs. Burgess Publishing Company, Minnea- polis, Minn. 1963. Greenhood, D., Mapping. Phoenix Science Series, no. 521. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago/London 1964. Kilford, W. K., Elementary Air Survey. Sir Isaac Pitman Sons Ltd., London 1963. Nordbeck, S., Location of areal data for Computer processing. Royal University of Lund, Sweden 1964. Abstract of Papers 20th l.G.U. Edited by F. E. Ian Hamilton. P. 1-47: Cartography. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., London 1964. Bericht über das 'Internationales Symposion für VegetationskartierungfVerzameling voordrachten van dit Symposium, gehouden van 23-26 maart 1959. Uitgegeven door R. Tüxen. Verlag von J. Cramer, Weinheim 1963. Compendium of Social Statistics 1963- Statistical Papers Series K, no. 2. United Nations Organiza tion, New York 1963. The Penrose Annual 1964. A review of the Graphic Arts. Edited by H. Spencer. Published by Lund Humphries, London 1964. Problems of Geomorphological Mapping. Data of the International Conference of the Subcommis- sion on Geomorphological Mapping, Poland, 3-12 may 1962. Edited by the Institute of Geo- graphy of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa 1963. Short Guide to Geo-botanical Surveying. International Series of Monographs on pure and applied Biology, Botany Division, vol. 8. Edited by S. V. Viktorov, Ye. A. Vostokova and D. D. VyshivkiN. Dept. of Geography, Moscov University. Pergamon Press, Oxford-London 1964. K.N.A.G. LXXXI 33

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografie | 1964 | | pagina 23