Kartografische Sectie Cartographical terms as indicators of development of cartographical science and practice Cartography, as any field of knowledge, uses, for expressing its notions, a certain System of terms and definitions corresponding to them. With the progress of cartography its terminology developed and changed. Some terms become obsolete and are no longer in use, others retain their nature but acquire another mea- ning. To express newly originated notions new terms are created or borrowed from other fields of sciences. As this takes place local or 'departmentaF terminology is often formed in various cartographical departments and institutions. Along with the natural process of changing terminology, which reflects develop ment of cartographic science and practice, inexact and erroneous terms are met in cartographers' usage. Sometimes various notions are determined by the same term and, on the contrary, one and the same notion is translated by various terms. Unnecessarily often synonymous terms are used. Substitute terms formed as a result of Workshop slang not infrequently appear in scientific cartographic litera- ture. Many similar examples can be given here but slang character of such terms makes them untranslatable from one language into another. When the terminology is not put in good order, the mutual understanding between specialists becomes difficult; thereby scientific and production activities in cartography are compli- cated. These difficulties are mostly met in multinational countries and particularly in international relations when exchanging scientific information. Elimination of deficiencies in the terminology and its standardization acquire greater importance in connection with automation of processes of producing and MEDEDELINGEN NR 37 Bestuur: Prof. dr. f. j. ormeling, Voorzitter, Bachlaan 39, Hilversum; Dr. j. j. c. piket, Secretaris, St. Annastraat 418, Nijmegen; m. de smit, Penningmeester, Laan van Poot 124, 's-Gravenhage, giro 484407; LedenDrs. w. f. heinemeijer, Amsterdam; w. f. den hengst, Delft; Dr. ir. c. koeman, De Bilt; g. d. raasveldt, 's-Gravenhage; Drs. j. e. romein, Groet; a. van der waag, Delft; Drs. g. f. Willems, Amsterdam. Ere-lid: j. schokkenkamp, 's-Gravenhage. Sub-Redactie-Commissie Mededelingen Dr. ir. c. koeman. Werkgroep voor de Geschiedenis van de Kartografie: Mr. b. van 't hoff, Burnierstraat 42, 's-Gravenhage, Voorzitter-, Dr. ir. c. koeman, Park Arenberg 71, De Bilt, Secretaris. Alle correspondentie betreffende het lidmaatschap van de Kartografische Sectie (adreswijzi- gingen etc.) dient uitsluitend aan het Secretariaat, St. Annastraat 418, Nijmegen, gericht te worden. Losse nrs en ab. op de 'Mededelingen' kunnen eveneens aangevraagd worden bij het Secretariaat. Verzoeke alle kopij en recensie-exemplaren te zenden aan het redactie-secretariaat van het Geografisch Tijdschrift, Noord Houdringelaan 28, Bilthoven. Advertentie-kopij zenden aan Intermedia Groningen N.V., Oude Boteringestr. 22, Groningen. K.N.A.G. Geografisch Tijdschrift I (1967) Nr. 5

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Kartografie | 1967 | | pagina 1