GEOMORPHOLOGICAL MAP 1:100 000 MORPHO-CONSERVATION MAP 1:100 000 HYDRO-MORPHOLOGICAL MAP 1:100 000 Sources Topographical map of Italy 1:25,000; Sheet 229-IV NE Geological map of Italy 1:25,000; sheet 229-IV NE Annex IV. ITC Textbook VII. 2 (1968) Cartografie J.BIoemendaal KEY TO GEOMORPHOLOGICAL MAP Geomorphological Units flood piain fluvial accumulation terraces and alluvial fans fluvial erosion terraces. older fluvial erosion terraces, younger marine erosion terraces denudational hüls Other Symbols fault line (certain; conjectural) fault scarp (major; minor) slump river bed braided river fluvial erosion terrace fluvial accumulation terrace alluvial piain alluvial fan marine terrace escarpment Chronology Pleistocene; Holocene P KEY TO MORPHO-CONSERVATION MAP Slope Classes 0-2° 2- 5° 5-15° 15 - 30° Other Symbols divide line slump area of potential mass movements river bed braided river broad leaf Vegetation KEY TO HYDRO-MORPHOLOGICAL MAP Ilydro-morphological Units flood piain (high permeability) alluvial piain and accumulation terraces (high permeability) erosion terraces (medium permeability) denudational hills (low permeability) denudational hills (medium permeability) Other Symbols minor river bed t flood limits inundated during floods braided river divide line alluvial fan spring (permanent) irrigation canal fault line (certain; conjectural) LITHOLOGY gravel and sand of river bed other alluvial material sandstone. conglomerate conglomerate, well cemented conglomerate, breccia, sandstone combination of units 1'250 000

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Kartografie | 1970 | | pagina 27