Population Population young old recreation - black/grey - green - grey - green Products steel glass wood power fruit - blue/grey - white - brown - red/white/yellow - red - red/white/yellow under brown enz. power direct under wood 6. PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE The 'colour-key' offered here for Dutch maps isfar from complete. Additional stu- dies ^nd inquiries have to be conducted, whereby all concepts which can be represented by colour on maps are taken and its relationships on the colour preferences of the map user tested. If this has been done, a Standard colour-key can be designed. This colour-key can then be compared with the choice of colour as applied in various official map series and commercial cartographic products. On the basis of the results of such comparisons it would then be possible to make recommendations for the better use of colour in Order to improve cartographic communication. F.L.T. van der Weiden, Ing. and Drs. F.J. Ormeling, Cartographic Section, Geographical Institute, Utrecht State University. Mr. A.J. Karssen, Enschede, instigated this inquiry. He also designed the questionnaire. The inquiry was conducted by Prof. Dr. Ir. C. Koeman, F.L.T. van der Weiden, A.J. Karssen and F.J. Ormeling. 1. W. Smits, Resultaten van de kleurenenquete gehouden ter gelegenheid van de lOe kleurendag van de N. V. V.K. In: Verslag van de Tiende Nederlandse kleurendag, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kleurenstudie, Rotterdam 1960. 2. A.V. Hartogh, Het zien en toepassen van kleuren in de praktijk. Amsterdam 1954. 3. A.H. Robinson, Psychological Aspects of Colour in Cartography. In: International Yearbook of Cartography, 1967. Gütersloh 1967. LITERATURE Oegema van der Wal, Th., Practische kleurenpsychologie. 2e druk Amsterdam 1956. C. KOEMAN* The Amsterdam Publishing house of Van Keulen and the Zee-Fakkel, an 18th Century Pilot Guide for the world's seas De Nieuwe Groote Lichtende Zee-Fakkel, in short De Zee-Fakkel, is the title of the pilot guide in folio-format, consisting of six parts which describes in text and with charts nearly all coasts, seas and islands of the world. The first five parts came off K.N.A.G. Geograßsch Tijdschrift VI (1972) Nr. 3 289 NOTES

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Kartografie | 1972 | | pagina 27