Parts of thirty-two sheets from th? 1 10 000 map series (sheet size 60 x 70 cm) were photographically reduced to the scale 1 80 000 on dimensionally stable material. The resulting diapositives were assembled. A sheet of Astralon (translucent plastic), provided with a grid at the required scale, was subsequently placed over the assembled diapositives, with the drawing-surface face-up. The map detail could then be drafted with a special etching ink (two parts of Hausleiter Tusche WU, one of Hausleiter Abdecktusche). This procedure provided a mirror reversed drawing which could be used directly as original copy for the pressplate making and therefore saved a reversal copy during further processing. GENERALIZATION The detail of the reduced 1 10 000 map sheets could not be redrawn without far-reachmg cartographic processing. That included exaggeration and generalization of detail in a manner which could satisfy the purpose of the map. The generalization has been based completely on the prolonged experience of the cartographer, on a clear understanding of the map purpose and especially on a thorough knowledge and familiarity with the terrain being mapped. Many map items have been omitted. Other items have been simplified to a considerable degree. In view of the map purpose much detail had to be represented concerning special subjects and situations. This is especially striking for the seaport and industrial sites. Factories, stores, oil tanks, piers and other items have been represented as much as possible. From the compilation and generalization of detail resulted a key line drawing which had to be completed with supplementary up-to-date information gathered from various governmental offices such as the State Waterboard, Hydrographical Service and municipalities. COLOUR SEPARATION The key drawing on Astralon could be used directly as the original copy for plate making. The line work was printed in sepia (see map). Subsequently as many blue keys have been produced from the key drawing as there were printing colours, except for the light grey colour of the various colours have been opaqued on the mat side of the Astralon sheets. These drawings are mirror reserved, so they could be used directly for plate making. The next step involved the combination of all colour masks by contact copying on one Astralon sheet. This finally gave a negative image of the light grey background. On the translucent parts of this copy secondary roads were drafted and industrial sites opaqued, because these details must remain white on the final map (open Spaces in the background colour). From this negative a reversed positive was produced which contained the background colour areas in black. Thus this copy could be used as a diapositive for the making of the grey plate. FINISHING For the names on the map a type overlay was prepared on a translucent sheet. On 294 K.N.A.G. Geograßsch Tijdschrift VI (19721 Nr. 3

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografie | 1972 | | pagina 32