Kartografie Editorial foreword In the fourteenth year of her existence, the Cartographic Section of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society presents this special issue of her Journal to the partici- pants of the Fourth General Assembly and Sixth Technical Conference of the International Cartographic Association. This special issue is the 58th in a series which the undersigned has had the pleasure to edit from 1958 onwards. In its Contents this special Montreal/Ottawa issue reflects the diversity of subjects in which Dutch cartographers have in recent times been interested. Within its cover, there are seven articles which deal respectively with experiments from the realm of Psychologie colour pereeption as applied to cartography, automation, the hydro- graphic cartography of the North Sea, the historical cartography of the world's oceans, modern topographic maps and of the produetion and distribution of a map of Rotterdam/Europoort. The editors of 'Kartografie' view the appearance of this issue with some pride, because it appears from the Contents that this small Cartographic Section in the Netherlands has managed to recruit from its members enough specialists which resulted in such a variety of articles that a connection with the themes of the Technical Conference in Ottawa was possible. The editors of 'Kartografie' hope that this special issue will sueeeed in contributing to the scientific Contents of the Sixth Technical Conference. A most appropriate link between the Dutch cartographers and their Canadian colleagues is demonstrated by the fact that the Dutch text of most of the articles in this issue was translated by Mr. Hugo Stibbe, Map Curator of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, who is spending a year of doctoral studies at the Utrecht University. The editors thank Mr. Stibbe very much for his help! In addition, the editors wish to thank the Board of the Royal Dutch Geographical Society for their Subvention which made the distribution of this issue possible and also the Department of Geography of the University of Utrecht for its material support. Finally, the undersigned thanks his co-editors, Drs. P.W. Geudeke and Drs. F.J. Ormeling for their devotion to the task of actually Publishing this issue. The Editor: DR. IR. C. KOEMAN Professor of Cartography State University Utrecht K.N.A.G. Geograßsch Tijdschrift VI (1972) Nr. 3 265

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