NOTES 1. This paper was presented at the Commission III meeting of the International Cartographic Association at UNESCO, Paris 1971. 2. These institutes are: The Department of Geographical Economy of the Economical University Rotterdam - development of facilities for thematic mapping in economy; the Department of Geochemistry of the Technical University Delft - development of facilities for trend surface computation and representation; and the Foundation for Soü Mapping (STIBOKA, Wageningen) - development of facilities for soil mapping. REFERENCES Ahlberg, J.H., E.N. Nielsen and J.L. Walsh (1967), The theory of splines and their application. Academic Press. Bosman, E.R., D. Eckhart and K. Kubik (1971), DELFT - A Programme System for Surface Approximation. In: Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 1972. Bosman, E.R. and D. Eckhart (1969). Unabhängige Einheiten in der digitalen Grundrisskartierung. In: Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 1970-1. Kubik, K., ed. (1971), The application of piecewise polynomials to problems of curve and surface approximation. Rijkswaterstaat Communications No. 12. K.N.A.G. Geografisch Tijdschrift VI (1972) Nr. 3 303

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Kartografie | 1972 | | pagina 41