II m c §1 izj U </5 »n o a> c l. O tn E iyj large MAP SCALE -> small weak GENERALIZATION SYMBOLIZATION strong •)1' Differences in Characteristics of Topographie Maps. 1. Cadastral map 2. World Aeronautical Chart 1 1 000 000 3. Lunar Topographie Map 1 5 000 000 4. Map of the British Trans-Arctie Expedition 1969 1 10 000 000 5. World Map 1 2 500 000 6. World Map 1 30 000 000 American Geographical Society 7. Klimadiagramm Weltatlas (Walter und Lieth) 8. Soil Map of Europe 1 2 500 000 9. Land Utilization Map 1 625 000 Great Britain 10. Rainfall: Annual Average, Map. 11-16: Topographical Maps 1: 25 000 11. Belgium 12. Aruba, Netherlands Antilles 13. Netherlands 14. Federal Republic of Germany, Denmark 15. Italy 16. Switzerland K.N.A.G. Geograßsch Tijdschrift VI (1972) Nr. 3 269

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Kartografie | 1972 | | pagina 7