«J# Gemeente w$ß Rotterdam kartografisch tekenaar I Dienst van Gemeentewerken: (m/v) Influenced by other map elements, sometimes the distance between text and symbol might be larger than the optical half capital height (fig. 20-22). Rough background structures influence the legibility of text and should be interrupted correctly (fig. 23-24). In some exeptional cases the spatial Situation of the symbol itself requires positioning not according to the principles of balancing: e.g. significant position of towns in relation to the right or left side of a river; placement of names belonging to coast towns by preference in the sea; the names belonging to diagram i symbols in thematic maps are advised to be placed in a fixed position in relation to the symbol as an integrated part of the diagram design (fig. 25). When the balance in the graphic space exclusively defines the positioning of a name belonging to a point symbol, one cannot maintain the 'ideal' positions recommended by some authers on the subject: to the right, somewhat above the centre of the symbol (Krümmel/Eckert, Imhof, Arnberger, Robinson and others), below the symbol (Raisz), above to the left (Crovitz and Friedman). Neither are the sequences given by Imhof and Raisz applicable (fig. 27). After assessment of the spatial position a second phase in positioning of names is introduced: to create possibly a graphic relation between text and symbol, in order to increase the reading speed. Figure 29 shows some of these relations. Several perception aspects of area names are men- tioned: the spatial 'radiation' of a name, which is about double the name length for areas with boundaries and l\ times letter distance for area names without boundary. Long area names depicting compact areas should be cut in order to avoid a Suggestion of elongated areas. Spaced texts are perceived as stretched and trans parent, which characteristics are in correspondence with line and area symbols. Spaced texts allow application of small letter sizes and tidy arrangement (fig. 35). Larger spacing than 2 or 3 times capital height makes it impossible to read the text in one Single moment of perception. Difference in spacing is perceived as difference in quality, that is why features which are equal in quality but different in size should be represented with similar spacing (proportionally) and size differences (fig. 38). In maps containing one Single text unit, size differences should be limited (fig. 39). When text is placed according to the discussed principles of balanced division of the graphic space and when a number of perception effects, have been taken into account, than it must be possible to increase the speed of reading and improve the legibility. This might result in that indefinable caress of the eye, surpassing the graphic percention, which is the experience of Graphic Beauty. Rotterdam vraagt voor de onderafdeling Kartografie, die behoort tot de afdeling Landmeten van deze dienst, een Tot de taak behoort het vervaardigen, bijhouden en reproduceren van kleinschalige topografische stadskaar- ten op schaal (te weten 1:5000, 1:10.000 tot 1:200,000). Voorts het ontwerpen, vervaardigen en reproduceren van een omvangrijk pakket thematische kaarten op verschil- lende schalen. Ook het vervaardigen en onderhouden van zgn. wijkplattegronden wordt tot zijn/haar werkzaamhe- den gerekend. Kandidaten in het bezit van het diploma Kartografisch tekenaar PBNA met tevens enige jaren ervaring in het graveren hebben de voorkeur. Zij, die vergevorderd zijn met de Studie van Kartografisch tekenaar PBNA kunnen eveneens solliciteren. Kennis van (chemigrafische) repro- duktie is gewenst. Het salaris loopt tot f 2.665,— per maand, afhankelijk van leeftijd, opleiding en ervaring. Vakaturenummer 78.729/81043 Schriftelijke sollicitaties, gaarne binnen 10 dagen en on- der vermelding van het vakaturenummer, te zenden aan: hoofd Bureau Personeelvoorziening, Postbus 70015,3000 KT Rotterdam. 26 1978.IV. 4

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1978 | | pagina 28