breken); Provinciale Griffie van Zuid-Holland, Den Haag; het door F. C. Wieder gevonden exem- plaar in de Staatsbibliothek, München, is in de laatste wereldoorlog verloren gegaan. 27 De volgende exemplaren zijn mij bekend: Bodel Nijenhuis-collectie, Leiden, VI-10-85/90; Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam; Nederlandse privö-collectie; Bibliothhque Nationale, Paris en Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Dresden. 28 Wall-maps of the 16th and 17th centuries. A series of full-size facsimiles of wall-maps published in the Low Countries. Edited by Günter Schilder. De eerste twee nummers zijn reeds versehenen. Sum m ary The wall maps of the Netherlands of the 16th and 17th centuries are a neglected chapter in the history of cartography. As a result of a recent research in Dutch and other European map collections we are now able to get a better knowledge about this subject. Nineteen different Dutch wall maps of the 17 Provinces were recognised and described. These wall maps can be divided into two categories. To the first category belong the wall maps which have apart from a characteristic decorative outlook also a geographically justified map content, based on the latest geographica! information (nos. 1-7, 8a). These wall maps were especially published around the turn of the 17th Century. But also the wall map by Frederik de Wit (10a) and the amended edition by Pieter van de Aa (10b) should be added to this category, because they give in fact the most recent and detailed survey. The second category include those wall maps where publishers bought old copperplates, which were re-published after some corrections. In these corrections the decorative element plays the most important role and not the content of the map (3b, 8b, c, d, 9a, b). The num- bers IIa, b and 12 form a transition between the two categories. iNC, LI Fig. 7. Hugo Allard, een gewijzigde editie van de in fig. 6 getoonde wand- kaart, 1671 (Bodel Nijenhuis-collectie, Leiden) 32 1979. V. 2

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1979 | | pagina 42