RAS, A. 1970-1980 VAN ROERMUND, J.A. C.E. 1969-heden ROMEIN, J. E. 1958-1979 SCHOKKENKAMP, J. 1958-1961 DE SMIT, M. 1958-1971 SIJMONS, A. H. 1978-1980 STAAL, G. 1982-heden VAN DER WAAG, A. 1966-1974 WILLEMS, G. F. 1966-1977 DE WIJS, R. T. 1978-1982 Development of cartographic education. In all these fields the developments in the Netherlands for the period 1958-1983 are described, with special emphasis on the role of the Netherlands Cartographic Society. It was especially in the fields of education, of repro- ductiontechniques and of map librarianship that committees of the NVK were actively promoting Co operation and stimulating new developments; these endeavours were sustained by the efforts of the editors of the 'Kartografisch Tijdschrift(the society's journal), and by the Organisation by the NVK-board of, since 1958, 72 meetings (such as technical symposia and summer schools) on which more than 250 lectures were delivered. It is also the voluntary dedication of the 450 personal and 100 institutional members of the society that make the NVK a thriving and going concern. Summ a ry F. J. ORMELING SR. - A QUARTER CENTURY OF CARTOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION IN THE NETHER LANDS The Netherlands Cartographic Society (NVK) started in 1958 under the aegis of the Royal Netherlands Geo- graphical Society, where it could thrive and deploy it- self. In 1975 the cartographers left this protected environment and operated henceforth as an independent society, a phenomenon that occurred in so many other countries as well, since World War II. This joining of hands of cartographers was brought about by an in- creased demand for their products, by a rapid evolution of map production techniques (computer-assisted technologies included), by the discovery of the map as a tool for communication and the ensuing development of cartographic theory and terminology, and by the KT 1983. IX. 4 73

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1983 | | pagina 75