\^A PI11 PI11 Ux7 L21 /A /A /A, II /A /A CV.'VX.' MZ1/«' ,vJ Pv6 Naivashaj Lava L19, Ux4 [Ux7 Ux7 Pv10 Pv6 LI 9, L17 Pv6 L20 Pd1 Ls1 HR )L11 Ux9 nf L9-C P110 L11 LI 5 ,M8 L14 Ls1 L26 Im25 «BW MOUNTAINS AND MAJOR SCARPS (slopes predominantly over 30%) SOILS DEVELOPED ON ASHES AND OTHER PYROCLASTIC ROCKS OF RECENT VOLCANOES somewhat excessively drained, shallow to moderately deep, brown to dark brown, firm and slightly smeary, strongly calcareous, stony to gravelly clay loam; in many places saline and/or sodic and with inclusions of lava fields (ando-calcaric REGOSOLS partly lithic phase) VOLCANIC FOOTRIDGES (dissected lower slopes of major older volcanoes and mountains; undulating to hilly) SOILS DEVELOPED ON TERTIARY BASIC IGNEOUS ROCKS (OLIVINE BASALTS, NEPHELINE PHONOLITES; OLDER BASIC TUFFS INCLUDED) well drained, extremely deep, dark reddish brown to dark brown, friable and slightly smeary clay, with an acid humic topsoil (ando-humic NITISOLS; with humic ANDOSOLS well drained, extremely deep, dusky red to dark reddish brown, friable clay, with an acid humic topsoil (humic NITISOLS) PLAINS VOLCANIC PLAINS SOILS DEVELOPED ON ASHES AND OTHER PYROCLASTIC ROCKS OF RECENT VOLCANOES excessively drained to well drained, very deep, dark greyish brown to olive grey, stratified, calcareous, loose fine sand to very friable fine sandy loam or silt (ando-calcaric REGOSOLS) FLOODPLAINS SOILS DEVELOPED ON SEDIMENTS MAINLY FROM VOLCANIC ASHES well drained to moderately well drained, very deep, dark greyish brown to yellowish brown, friable, stratified, silty clay loam to clay; in places slightly to moderately saline and slightly to moderately sodic (eutric FLUVISOLS, partly saline-sodic phase) Wegens plaatsgebrek zijn slechts enkele legenda-eenheden opgenomen M MP M1 I MPrt R RB RBnt RBnh P Pv PvP Pv6 I PvPrt A AP APje 43

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1985 | | pagina 130