resumes 67 H.J.G.L. Aalders - Overview and applications of optical storage techniques The application of optical storage techniques enables the massive storage of data in digital cartography. This article reviews optical storage techniques and their possibilities refer- ring to CD-ROM, CD-I, videodisc and the Digital Optical Record (DOR). A typical System configuration is described as well as an appliction in ofßce automation. Finally, the actual Standards for optical storage Systems are discussed. Old and obsolete maps; map curatorship and archives M.A. Bakker - The Law of Records, inspection and destruc- tion of maps and drawings to keeping archives are treated, as well as the municipal regula- tions concerning the management of archives. In the second part of his article he deals with the types of maps and drawings which are found in the institutions' archives and the respective methods of conservation. Finally, the problems of selection for destruction and Photographie Substitutes of the various map types are described. In the Rotterdam Public Ofßce maps and drawings are stored with the collection of pictures of the city: the Topographical- Historical Atlas. Ratsma first explains the difference between map records and collected maps. He outlines the ways by which the Attas was gradually built up and gives examples of its pertinence for historical research. Finally, he deals with the management of these maps, distinguishing acquisition (of complete archives), accessibility (of files and documents) and conservation. P. Ratsma - Management of map records in the Municipal Records Office of Rotterdam in particular Maps and drawings made, or used, by government institutions are kept in the archives of those institutions for longer or shorter periods. These maps and drawings are bearers of infor- mation and represent an investment of labour, time and capital. After some time they are no longer topical and may, perhaps, only retain an historical importance. In such cases, after selec tion and destruction, the archives are removed to a public records office. Bakker's article deals with the care of maps and drawings while they remain deposited in the archives of the institutions; Ratsma 's paper treats their management in a public records ofßce. Bakker, Inspector of Archives at the city of Rotterdam, begins with an explanation of the general and legal reasons for this in- volvement with maps. Afterwards, some technical terms related J.A.M. Schepers and A.A. de Veer - Cartographic integration of morphometry and degree of openness in the landscape map Morphometry and degree of openness are two major aspects of the visible landscape. The article describes a method to in tegrale both aspects taken from separate, existing maps into one new landscape map. An example of such an integrated map is enclosed in this issue of the Kartografisch Tijdschrift (part of southern Limburg at scale 1:50,000). Morphometric units, derived from a geomorphological map, are displayed in colour and with letter codes. Degree of openness, derived from a topographical map with fieldcheck, is given in the form of a cross-hatching and with numbers. Integrated maps can be used for suitability and evaluation studies. It is also possible to study the (causal) relationship between geomor- phology and openness of the landscape. J.H. Geels - Un modele pour selectionner les symboles de surface C'est la seconde partie de l'article traitant de la methode de selection des symboles de surface adhesifs. La premiere partie a ete consacree la terminologie tandis que le lecteur trouvera, ci-dessus, quelques exemples et regles. Pour d'autres details: cfr. le resume de la premiere partie (Kartografisch Tijdschrift 1987. XIII. 4). L'auteur est la disposition des lecteurs pour plus amples infor- mations (en anglais). Le modele est visualise dans le diagramme, joint au resume anglais (p. 66). Niveau de mensuration Definitions: Echelle nominale: un ensemble d'objets identifiables sans in- dication de leur interrelations. Operation typique: equivalence. Exemple: religion. Echelle ordinale: une echelle nominale dans un ordre indique. Operations typiques: superieur, inferieur. Exemple: niveau socio-economique. Echelle d'intervalle: une echelle ordinale avec graduation. Operations typiques: addition, soustraction. Exemple: temperature. Echelle de 'ratio' (proportionnelle): une echelle d'intervalle avec indication de la proportionnalite. Operations typiques: multiplier, diviser. Exemple: temps (heure). Regles: Utiliser une variable visuelle 'pure' dont le niveau de mensura tion correspond celui des donnees statistiques. Si Ton choisit une variable visuelle avec un niveau inferieur de mensuration, il y aura pertes d'information. Dans le cas contraire, en choisis- sant une variable visuelle avec un niveau superieur de mensura tion, il faudrait creer de nouvelles informations (donnees). Commentaires: Les niveaux de mensuration forment une hierarchie, d'oü la possibilite d'eliminer un ou plusieurs niveaux, ce qui conduira de pertes d'information, notamment de Celles correspondant I'Operation typique du niveau abandonne. II est donc recom- mande d'utiliser le niveau de mensuration le plus haut possible. La creation d'une image suppose Tutilisation des 'tailles' ou valeurs, celle-ci etant toutefois limitee au niveau superieur de mensuration (echelle d'intervalle et de 'ratio'). Comment parachever la creation d'une image aux niveaux in- ferieurs echelle nominales et ordinales)? Vous pourriez vous- meme 'gonfler' le niveau de mensuration! Echelle nominale de- viendra ordinale si vous adoptez d'organiser vos donnees Selon un certain ordre.

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1988 | | pagina 69