res um es influenced the development of cartography for water manage- ment purposes more profoundly than previously accepted. In 1727, Cruquius managed to convince the government of the province of Holland of the essential importance of a good map of its water management Situation, compiled on the basis of a systematic hydrographic survey and with functional use of topographic data. This resulted in a beautiful map of Goedereede, rightly considered as one of the best maps printed in the Netherlands. With the publication of this map in 1730, a development started in which the provincial government began to act more em- phatically as map producer. Increasingly, it was considered desirable to print the maps which were used in decision making and to add them to the printed water management resolutions. In this way an ideal relationship was created between map and accompanying documents. The article describes the motivations leading up to mapping as well as the actual map production process and it gives some insight into the role which these resolution maps' have played in local government decision making. It has been generally accepted by the few historians of Dutch water management cartography that a.fter 1750 the maps no longer complied with the suggestions originally made by Cru quius and not until after 1830 were his ideas revived. The author rejects this hypothesis of Stagnation: in comparing the contents of resolution maps it is clearly evident that topographic detail was increasingly used in a functional manner, following Cruquius. By representing only those details which were rele vant in the technical context of hydraulic engineering, the maps indeed acquired a functional and unattractive appearance, but in no way should this be considered a qualitative decline. F.B. van der Laan - Integration of topographic map Informa tion and satellite data for the updating of land use information The potential for regulär updating of landuse information on topographic maps using Landsat Thematic Mapper, SPOT pan- chromatic and SPOT Multispectral imagery has been in- vestigated. Information from topographic maps was digitally combined with satellite imagery using raster based techniques. The investigation was carried out in two phases. In the first phase a produet was developed that is mainly suitable for ob- taining a quick overview over changes in the landscape. Only line information from the topographic map concerning roads, naming, built-up area and water was used for this purpose. Such elements only cover a minimum part of the image and form a convenient geographic reference, via which the informa tion in the satellite image can be better judged. Once the line information of the 120 1:50,000 Scale map sheets covering The Netherlands has been made avaitable in a suitable form, in principle two to five times per year an updated Version of each mapsheet can be generated. Such an image map is suitable for manual updating of landuse changes down to a detail of 4-8 m depending on the image type used. The image map also permits mapping landuse types that are not indicated on a topographic map. In the second phase all non-linear landuse information in dicated on a topographic map was digitized. Linear features (of a 1:50,000 map) required scanning at a resolution of 0.1 mm (5 m ground resolution) for a good representation. For a good representation of the thematic information 02.-0.4 mm (10-20 m ground resolution) was still appropriate. This resolution corresponds to the detail shown by satellite imagery and results in files sizes that can be easily processed. The regulär availability of satellite imagery in principle permits continuous updating of landuse data. Further a large variety of landuse types can be discriminated. However the accuracy of 40-90 with which the information can be obtained is generally not suf- ficient for operational application. Topographic information was found to be useful as a pixel-for-pixel reference for the inter- pretation and improvement of the results of a satellite image Classification. By combining topographic information from 1980 with a landuse Classification from 1986 a meaningful Interpreta tion could be given to over 97 of the area concerned. Further a considerable number of additional classes was obtained as well as a better understanding of the landuse dynamics in the area. In comparison to the Classification results the reliability is further improved because the unreliable pixels become iden- tifiable. The results presented in this article are a prediction of the landuse dynamics based on the map and satellite data only. The next Step will be verification of the results using aerial photography as soon as these will become available. With the reliability that has been achieved with the approach sketched it can be expected that information derived from remote sensing sources will become of interest for Dutch physical planning purposes. J.C. Müller - Nouvelles tendances Revolution de la cartographie La cartographie est en pleine mutation. Les cartes complexes d'hier, essentiellement descriptives, statiques et deterministi- ques' doivent relever, actuellement, le defi des cartes d'une nou- velle conception, extremement volatiles, limitees un sujet et 'probalistiques'. La domaine d'aetivites de la cartographie s'etend desormais l'image des espaces geographiques hautement abstraits. La fonc- tion traditionnelle des cartes, savoir la conservation des don- nees spatiales est en declin en faveur de la fonetion de communication et de la force d'analyse. Parallelement, nous assistons la naissance d'une cartographie 'Faites-la-vous memes' l'aide du micro-ordinateur qui lance ainsi un defi B l'integrite du 'metier de cartographie'. L'auteur se propose d'investiguer l'origine de ces nouveaux developpements et essayer d'en prevoir les implications pratiques et theoriques pour la diseipline de cartographie. N.J. Bakker, C.P.J.M. van Elzakker et F.J. Ormeling - Un atlas national sous forme de Systeme d'information (NAIS) Les derniers volumes de la 2me edition de l'atlas national des Pays-Bas paratront en 1988. Les auteurs du present article sont membres du comite consultatifs Charge d'examiner la possibilite de publier une 3me edition de l'atlas. Ce comite vient de propo- ser, dans son rapport definitif un nouveau concept d'atlas natio nal, moins statique, plus dynamique, savoir un Systeme d'information gere par un bureau permament de Tatlas national. L'accent est mis ainsi non plus sur la production d'un atlas KT 1988. XIV. 2 91

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1988 | | pagina 93