res u in es w Another method, which is called the 'smallest rectangle'-method here, makes it possible to record with reasonable accuracy the location of point-, area- or line-objects with only 1, 3 and 4 pairs of coordinates respectively. For the area- and point-objects the smallest rectangles are defined in which those objects fit precisely. With the coordinates of an arbitrary map extract as input, the Computer is now able to select all objects (partly or completelywithin that map extract. Some inaccuracy is inevitable, as rectangles are usually larger than the objects themselves. On the other hand, this method will save a lot of storage space. L.H. van Opstal - Developments in the automation at the Hydrographie Office Automation at the Hydrographie Office started in 1970 with in particular depth sounding at sea. The processing and quality control takes place on board ship with the Hydraut-11 System. In 1984 a Start was made to set up a qualified database for Position and other mapping data of buoys, lights, shipwrecks, etc. To obtain experience for further decision making a small series of charts was digitised by raster scanning by a private firm. In 1986 the very advanced interactive charting System CAR1S was introduced. In 1987 under governmental pressure of manpower reduetion a Start was made to speed up the automated produetion of charts for coastal waters and inland waterways. As the raster-vector conversion is still unsatisfactory the charts are manually digitised. In the near juture classical navigation will be replaced by interactive digital navigation Systems. The electronic chart will then be integrated with positioning, log, compass and possibly radar. Intemationally specifications are being set up to replace the paper chart by the electronic chart. The Hydrographie Office has the intention together with others to publish a digital nautical Information System for the North Sea. The future will be digital. A regional or possibly a world data base for an electronic chart (ECDB), continuously revised, will be transmitted by satellites. Next year a project group from the 8 hydographic ojfices around the North Sea will Start the design of such an ECDB for the North Sea, including distribution and revision. On the national level the Jurther development of GIS will lead to a closer Integration of land and sea information. W Tirion - Uranography; the cartography of the heavens The oldest star maps show us in the first place the artistic representation of the old traditional and mythological constellation figures. Our oldest constellations originale from Mesopotamia and Greece. Between 1600 and 1800 many more were invented and added to the traditional ones. After the invention of the telescope the need for more accurate maps grew and the constellation figures slowly disappeared. A modern sky atlas shows dots and symbols, representing stars and objects. In the 20th Century many Photographie star atlases have been made, some very expensive, others within the reach of most amateur astronomers. But a demand for hand-drawn atlases remained. Another way to produce a star atlas is by using Computer techniques. But even then a skilled uranographer is needed to give the charts an attractive and readable appearance. Wil Tirion is author of, inter alia, Sky Atlas 2000.0 and Uranometria 2000.0. P.C.J. van der Krogt - The GO-H training programme in map and atlas curatorship Maps and topographical atlases demand a special kind of curatorship. In co-operation with associations of curators of map and topographical/historical collections, the GO-Institute for part-time professional education in library and information sciences in Den Haag started a special course in map and atlas curatorship in 1987. In the article, the curriculum of this course is described in detail. M I. Kraak - Le Systeme cartographique 'expert': un bref apergu Un des resultats de l'application de l'ordinateur en cartographie est l'aumentation considerable nombre des cartes produites. A premiere vue, les cartographes considerent ce phenomene comme une evolution positive. Toutefois, en ce qui conceme la qualite de ces produits, il y a des reserves faire, non pas tel- lement en raison des difficultes techniques, mais du fait que les 'nouveaux' cartographes - les utilisateurs - ne disposent pas toujours de la formation cartographique requise. Le Systeme dit 'expert' pourrait apporter une Solution ce Pro bleme car il ojfre la possibilite en tant que partie integrante par example d'un Systeme d'information geographique, l'utilisateur non-cartographe d'illustrer son rapport par des cartes de qualite acceptable. L'article analyse une serie de notions telles que Tintelligence artificielle, les connaissances, la strueture et les caracteristiques des systemes 'expert' et leur application dans le secteur de la cartographie. Un exemple pratique illustre, enfin, l'analyse: la revision d'une carte marine l'aide d'un Systeme 'expert'. R. van der Schans - Depuis la carte mentale la base de donnees Inspire par l'ouvrage de Lockard Design Drawing, l'auteur trace le cadre historique du developpement des systemes d'information geographique. II y a quelques annees, l'avantage essendel de l'automation de la cartographie semble avoir ete l'allegement des travaux manuels fastidieux. Aujourd'hui, toutes les donnees digitalisees peuvent etre udlisees dans un veritable Systeme d'information, introduisant une plus grande flexibilite dans le dessin et l'analyse cartographiques. Cependant, l'utilisateur du Systeme fait partie d'un Processus de communicadon, en faisant appel une base de donnees geogra- phiques. La carte mentale, le resultat de ces donnees une fois enregistrees, reste gravee dans son cerveau. Nonobstant donc l'insertion d'une technologie fort complexe entre la collecdon, manipulation et la representation des donnees, les 'vieilles' theories de la communicadon cartographique restent toujours valables, aujourd'hui. KT 1988.XIV.4 67

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1988 | | pagina 69