summaries 78 KT 1989.X V.l M.C.S. Wopereis and A.K. Bregt - Complexity measures for choropleth maps: a comparison The complexity of a choropleth map has an important in- fluence on its readability. Six map complexity measures (aggregation index, compactness index, Muller's complexity index, fragmentation index, boundary index, size disparity index) that are given in cartographic literature are presented in this study. Correlation coefficients between these indices are calculated using 90 different maps. It is shown that most of the measures are highly corre/ated and therefore redundant. Visual judgement of 13 maps by 28 subjects shows that four indices (aggregation index, compactness index, fragmentation index, boundary index) can serve as reliable indicators of map complexity. As a result each of these measures can be used to compare pattern complexity among different maps. The fragmentation index seems to be the best choice in view of its simplicity and ease of calculation. L.W. van der Velde and J.H. Wiechers - Development of a computer-assisted route finding System The computer-assisted route finding System described in this article is a System which constructs a route between a Storf ing object indicated and one or more objects of destination. With this system it is made possible to provide tailor-made information to the individual user. It is possible to couple the route constructed with information about that particular route (e.g. travel time and distance) and about the objects to be visited. Attention is paid here to the programming lan- guage used, the method of searching the shortest route and the construction of the database. Finally, some possible ap- plications of the route finding system are discussed. L. Heres - DEMETER: Digital road maps for car navigation Systems The last decade has shown an increasing number of activities in the field of car navigation and information Systems, thanks to the availability of cheep and powerful microproces- sors and the development of the Compact Disc. In the most complete Systems 5 different functions can be distinguished: address conversion, route search, driver guidance, vehicle lo- cation and position visualization. These functions have different information requirements that vary from the need for street names to the need for information about traffic restrictions. Common is the need for a good knowledge of the geometry of the road network. The route search function also needs a good topological representation. Different activities exist to create digital road data bases that are suitable for car navigation Systems. One of these activi ties is the Demeter project, the aim of which is a certain degree of standardization. Digital road databases can be considered as a special kind of maps, their creation as a special kind of mapping and the speciality that occupies itself with them as a special kind of cartography; a kind of cartography that offers new challenges. M. de Graaf and K. Witteveen - North Sea Project In October-November 1988 the Norwegian survey vessel Lance made a voyage across the North Sea, with six different Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ecdk) aboard. This was a part of the test, called 'North Sea Project', a result of the Cooperation between the Hydro graphie Services around the North Sea, including the Canadi- an Hydrographie Service, and ecdis manufacturers. The aim of this project was to test the Systems themselves and the iho-specifications on ecdis. The results of the test shall be used for further development of ecdis. This article reviews the six Systems aboard and some ques- tions about the cartographic aspects of the Systems aboard and ecdis in general. H.M. Bosma - Graphic Software on Apple Macintosh The characteristics of the Apple Macintosh personal Com puters are discussed first. After that some graphic Software pass in review: programs for painting and drawing, business- graphics, desktop Publishing, cad and special cartographical programs. In the discussion of Software for painting and drawing much attention is given to the characteristics of raster-drawing and vector-drawing in particular. M. W.H. van Elk - Free Hand, also for cartographers In the field of the automated produetion of small scale thematic maps there are still many obstacles to overcome that deal with the manipulation of the Software, the user- friendliness of the operating Systems and the quality of the Output. Userfriendly Systems are on the market, but until recently they were not compatible with the ms-dos environment. In 1988, FreeHand, a new graphic design Software package, became available for the Apple Macintosh. In this article the author describes the use and extended possibilities of this Software. Manipulating FreeHand is very easy, and although not spe- cially developed for cartographic purposes, point-, line- and area-symbols can easily be designed and stored in a menu. There are no restrictions like in the usual cartographic Soft ware; changing a once defined symbol in FreeHand only

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1989 | | pagina 80