uit de tijdschriften Historische kartografie Campbell, T., Understanding engraved maps. The Map Collector vol. 46 (1989), pp. 2-10. Harley, J.B., Historical geography and the cartographic il- lusion. Journal of Historical Geography vol. 15 (1989) no. 1, pp. 80-91. Hooker, B., Official general chart of New Zealand 1772-1885. The Journal of Navigation vol. 41 (1988) no. 1, pp. 35-51. Icenogle, D., The geographic and cartographic work of the American military mission to Egypt, 1870-1878. The Map Collector vol. 46 (1989), pp. 26-31. Kovach, R.C. Jr., M.A. Surrette M.G. Aamodt, Follo- wing informal street maps: effects of map design. Environment and Behaviour vol. 20 (1988) no. 6, pp. 683-699. Lieberach, R., Geodäsie und Kartographie im Aktionsfeld der Französischen Revolution 1789-1799. Vermessungstechnik vol. 37 (1989) no. 7, pp. 231-232. Meine, K., Endlich ein 'Lexicon zur Geschichte der Karto graphie' - eine bedeutsame Teildisziplin erhält inmitten ei ner Anzahl wichtiger Publikationen ihre grundlegende Zu sammenfassung. International Yearbook of Cartography vol. 27 (1987), pp. 105-124. Moskopp, J. J.M.F. Fischer, Uber das Herstellen und Lesen von Karten - Analyse eines Geographiebuches des Jahres 1677. International Yearbook of Cartography vol. 27 (1987), pp. 135-153. Ruggles, R.I., The next step forward: a further review of research on the history of cartography in Canada. The Canadian Surveyor vol. 41 (1987) no. 3, pp. 291-312. Scurfield, G. J.M. Scurfield, The cartographic record of urban development in Victoria. The Globe vol. 30 (1988), pp. 1-13. Shirley, R., A neglected map of the world. The Map Collector vol. 46 (1989), pp. 34-38. Trounson, A.D., Psitacorum regio (Region of Parrots), Fact or fiction? The Globe vol. 30 (1988), pp. 23-41. Kartografische instellingen en organisaties; opleidingen Grothenn, D., Die rechnergestützte topographische Karto graphie im Modellversuch Ausbildungsleitfasen Karto- grap/Kartographin. Kartographische Nachrichten vol. 39 (1989) no. 3, p. 101. Ko?ak, E., Cartographic activities in Turkey. International Yearbook of Cartography vol. 27 (1987), pp. 89-94. Lee, Y.C., E. Derenyi W. Faig, A new mapping curricu- lum at the university of New Brunswick. Cartographica vol. 25 (1988) no. 4, pp. 11-21. Lovrie, P., Gegenwärtige amtliche Karten Jugoslawiens. International Yearbook of Cartography vol. 27 (1987), pp. 95-104. Onsrund, H.J. A.U. Frank, Surveying, Mapping and LIS-Education in the US. Geo-Informations-Systeme vol. 2 (1989) no. 2, pp. 20-22. Salishchev, K.A., Cartographic data acquisition and sup- porting activities. World Cartography vol. 26 (1988) no. 1, pp. 1-8. Samimi, E., Cartography in Albania. International Yearbook of Cartography vol. 27 (1987), pp. 159-166. Scheele, Th., De waterschappen en hun kaartmateriaal. Geodesia vol. 31 (1989) no. 5 pp. 243 e.v. Schiessl, J., Die Ausbildung im Schriftzeichnen - eine praktische Anleitung. International Yearbook of Cartography vol. 27 (1987), pp. 167-182. Worth, C., Cartography at Curtin University. Bull, of the Society of University Cartographers vol. 22 (1989) no. 2, pp. 19-24. Projektieleer, landmeten en geodesie Besemer, J.W.J. F. van der Gaag, Het Kadaster op weg naar de formatie 1990. Geodesia vol. 31 (1989) no. 4, pp. 166-170. Frankenberger, R., Die Informatikausbildung an der Be triebsschule Eichwalde des VEB Kombinat Geodäsie und Kartographie. Vermessungstechnik vol. 37 (1989) no. 6, pp. 195-196. Kaltsikis, C., Numerical treatment of conformal map pro- jections. The Cartographic Journal vol. 26 (1989) no. 1, pp 22-23. King, C.W.B., Computational formulae for the Lambert conformal projection, Part 2. Survey Review vol. 29 (1988) no. 230, pp. 387-399. Marel, H. van der, Mini-serie Aardgericht Ruimte- onderzoek (5). Geodesia vol. 31 (1989) no. 5, pp. 237-242. Muller, E., Duizend jaar Nederlandse landmeetkunde. Geodesia vol. 31 (1989) no. 5, pp. 227-230. Prescott, Dorothy F., Education for maps curatorship in Australia: a discussion paper. The Globe vol. 30 (1988), pp. 14-22. Richardson, R.T., Secant cases of azimuthal projections: myth and reality. Yearbook, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers vol. 49 (1987), pp. 65-78. Riemersma, J.G. J. Zijlstra, B6: van levensvatbaar be- KT 1989.XV. 4 61

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