summaries B.J. Beers, C.A. van den Boogert P. Mills - The carto- graphic face of a database The 'Dutch guide of distances' is a publication of Tele Atlas. It contains the distances between more than 6100 locations and nodes in the Netherlands. A special kind of presentation is used with so called 'distance regions' covering areas around 414 specially selected main nodes. The description of each region displays amongst others distances between loca tions and the main node, and the Position of locations with respect to the main node. The third edition of this guide contains 414 region maps that have been produced using automated procedures. A series of realistic tests using the Intergraph System at Tele Atlas and the Scitex Response 280 System at Reprocart con- cluded in a production flow for printable films. With mini mal human Intervention 414 maps were generated and trans ferred from Intergraph to Scitex using the Standard Interchange Format. Finally the printable films were produced. The experiences gathered in this project are the basis for the production of cartographically speaking much more interest- ing maps: the European Route Maps of the anwb. This free annual edition of the anwb will for the first time be produced in Cooperation with Tele Atlas in 1989. G. Andreas, P. Benjaminse P. Mijksenaar - Mapping pub lic transport As nowadays people are becoming more and more convinced that a larger part of our mobility demand should be met by public transport, to do so will not only mean demands on that public transport but also on its presentation. Provision of good information can contribute to an optimal use of public transport. Hence the importance of public transport maps will increase quantitatively and qualitatively. As these maps will not only have an informative but also a promotion task the (new) public should be approached via various me dia. So in the Coming years the emphasis will be on an at- tractive and readable map images for a large public. A great- er diversity of maps will be needed, where apart from presenting the transport network itself also factors like travelling time and frequency of transport should be added. Over the years the authors have collected public transport maps from various parts of the world and these maps give a good insight into the development of the networks them- selves as well as the development of the cartographic representation. This development also shows differentiation in themes. As well as network maps, maps with traffic zones, pocketmaps, maps for night busses and maps of environs of railway stations are produced. In the use of symbols and de- sign quite a diversity is found, in which 'schools' can be in- dicated with a predominant national character. On the other hand correspondences through mutual influence can be iden- tified. Both cartographers and graphic designers try each from their own point of view to achieve a good representation of the theme. Surprising results may be follow if the cartographer adapts more to aesthetics and the graphic designer to the car tographic rules. The Netherlands Railways is not only a public transport Company but also a map publisher with a large responsibility for passengers, personnel, government and commerce and economy. This means that a great differentiation in maps for the various users is expected. W.A. Verhave - Integrated mapping of environmental in- fluences in Maastricht This article contains a description of the cartographic aspects of the so-called PIM-project: a project aiming at the integra- tion of environmental policies in the city of Maastricht to make possible motivated choices between land uses such as industry, traffic and residential. In the project, the environ mental influences of sound, externa! safety and air quality had to be represented in a mutually comparable way, so as to show the limitations to spatial development imposed by the environment. The mapping procedures started with the rather complicated calculation of the integrated environmental pol- lution (related to legal norms for residential areas) per grid cell of 50 x 50 metres. By interpolation, isoline maps at scale 1:25,000 of the whole city of Maastricht were created, in which only four classes were distinguished, ranging from residential areas with no limitations to unacceptable residen tial environments. By their simplicity, these maps may very well be used for physical planning purposes and are very much appreciated by the local authorities. H.M. Bosma, J.E. Drummond L. Raidt - Scanners for car- tography This article outlines the work of the oeepe Commission D Working Group in Automatic Digitizing, and describes in de tail Phase 1 of that Working Group's research Programme. Phase 1 involved a survey, via three questionnaires, of the State of automatic digitizing in Europe. The results of this survey indicated the Problems to be addressed in Phases 2 and 3 of the research Programme. Phase 1 also involved a study of low-cost Scanners. In that study it was determined that low-cost Scanners were limited either by their format or resolution, but they still had a useful role in automatic carto graphic digitizing. KT 1989.XV. 4 65

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1989 | | pagina 67