i111 ftp iiirlIrf^ii I J I ^Jlt- w JwL II ^Iw-Jll- v1 .H M m. Jü ü>v 1 M Historische kartografie Bosse, D., üartmouth on the Mississippi: speculators and surveyors in British North America. Imago Mundi vol. 41 (1989), pp. 9-18. Boud, R.C., Episodes in cartographic patronage: the Scot- tish agricultural society and the coal district maps. Cartographica vol. 26 (1989) no. 3/4, pp. 59-88. Brannon, G., The artistry and science of map-making. Geographica! Magazine vol. 61 (1989), pp. 38-40. Bruman, H.J., The Schaffhausen Carla Marina of 1531. Imago Mundi vol. 41 (1989), pp. 124-132. Clancy, R., 'By a parity of reason...' or Terra Australis and the early printed world map. The Globe vol. 31 (1989), pp. 7-12. Glatthard, Th., Der Kanton Zug auf Landkarten. Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik vol. 88 (1990) no. 2, pp. 109-119. Heffernan, M., Limits of Utopia: Henry Duveyrier and the exploration of the Sahara in the nineteenth Century. The Geographica! Journal vol. 155 (1989) no. 3, pp. 342-352. Herbert, F., Printed maps of the British Isles 1650-1750: a review. Bull, of the Society of University Cartographers vol. 23 (1990) no. 2, pp. 45-48. Hopkins, D„ An extraordinary eighteenth-century map of the Danish sugar-plantation island St. Croix. Imago Mundi vol. 41 (1989), pp. 44-58. Lagarde, L., Le passage du Nord-Ouest et la Mer de l'Ou- est dans la cartographie fran?aise du 18e sciele; contrihuti- on l'etude de l'oeuvre des Deslisle et Buache. Imago Mundi vol. 41 (1989), pp. 19-43. McGuirk jr, D.L., Ruysch world map: census and com- mentary. Imago Mundi vol. 41 (1989), pp. 133-141. Miyoshi, T., Concerning the map of Ryusen, bestselling printed map of Japan in Edo period. Map vol. 27 (1989) no. 3, pp. 1-10, Palsky, G., La cartographie fran^aise des cötes cochinchi- noises la fin du 18e siele: Jean-Marie Dayot et le Pilot de Cochinchine. Imago Mundi vol. 41 (1989), pp. 59-69. Papp-Väry. A., F. Karacs' place in history of Hungarian cartography. Geodezia es Kartogräfia vol. 41 (1989) no. 2, pp. 121-123. Pincheiro Marques, A., The dating of the oldest Portugue- se Charts. Imago Mundi vol. 41 (1989), pp. 87-97. Preobrazhenskiy, A.I., V.l. Lenin and Soviet cartography. Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing vol. 26 (1989), pp. 300-304. Roper, P., One of America's foremost cartographers: Jed Hotchkiss. The Map Collector vol. 49 (1989), pp. 2-8. Smith, D., George Frederick Cruchley 1796-1880. The Map Collector vol. 15 (1989) no. 2, pp. 16-22. Varaldo, F., Matteo Vinzoni and his cartographie commis- sions in the Piain of Luni. Mapline vol. 54 (1989), pp. 1-5. Wegmann, S., Die Dufourkarte und die topographische Aufnahme des Kantons Zürich 1843-1851. Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik vol. 88 (1990) no. 2, pp. 103-108. Kartografische instellingen en organisaties; opleidingen Barber, R., Computer aided draughting in New Zealand polytechnics. The New Zealand Draughtsman vol. 26 (1989) no. 3, p. 15. Borsits, L., Future tasks of military cartography in Hungary. Geodezia es Kartogräfia vol. 41 (1989) no. 2, pp. 73-75. Deumilch, F., Aufgaben der Wissenschaftlich-Technischen Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Photogrammetrie und Karto graphie in den 90er Jahren. Vermessungstechnik vol. 38 (1990) no. 3, p. 38. Douglas, D.H., Technology and education in a developing country: an experience involving computer-assisted carto graphy and Indonesia. Cartographica vol. 26 (1990) no. 3/4, pp. 22-33. Ficker, K., Die Ausbildung der Kartographen heute und in Zukunft. Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik vol. 88 (1990) no. 2, pp. 86-87. Göhler, H., Gedanken zur Erneuerung des staatlichen Vermessungs- und Kartenwesens in der DDR. Vermessungstechnik vol. 38 (1990) no. 1, p. 2. Green, D.R., L.J. McEwen S. Taylor, The cartographic Potential of ART, CAD, and Graphics Software for tea- ching and research in geography. Bull, of the Society of University Cartographers vol. 23 (1990) no. 2, pp. 21-30. Hunri, L., Neue Entwicklungen in der computergestützten Katographie: Auswirkungen auf Forschung und Ausbil dung am Institut für Kartographie an der ETH Zürich. Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik vol. 88 (1990) no. 2, pp. 82-85. Imhof, V. R. Küster, Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kartographie (SGK). Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik vol. 88 (1990) no. 2, pp. 66-67. Ito, M., Maps of home province and map education. Map vol. 27 (1989) no. 2, pp. 13-20. KT 1990.XVI.3 101

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