iiii np f11 nqnhv11tp»ti LJ11 vlC 1.111 i 11 t v i ,i. ii t§ s Historische kartografie Andrews, J.H., The Longfield Maps in Ihe National Library of Ireland: an Agenda for research. Irish Geography 24 (1991) 1, pp. 24-34. Bartels, Klaus, Vom Mondgesicht zur Mondkarte. Cartographica Helvetica (1992) 5, pp. 11-17. Brink, P. van den, De kaart van de Merwede door Nicolaas Cruquius. Caert-Thresoor 11 (1992) 1, pp. 17-24. De Vorsey jrL., Native American maps and the world views in the Age of encounter. The Map Collector (1992) 58, pp. 24-31 Fernandez-Armesto, F., Columbus and maps. The Map Collector (1992) 58, pp. 2-8. Ferro, G., La carta nautica di Albino de Cenepa (1480). Bollettino della Societä Geografica Italiana. VIII (1991) 4-6, pp. 231-243. Giudicetti, Franchino, Eine bisher unbekannte Ausgabe de Rhaetia-Karte von Fortunat Sprecher v. Bernegg und Phi lipp Kliiwer. Cartographica Helvetica (1992) 5, pp. 17-21. Hameleers, M., Kaarten in facsimile: Mögen er eisen aan gesteld worden? Caert-Thresoor 11 (1992) 1, pp. 11-17. Harley, J.B., Maps and the invention of America. The Map Collector (1992) 58, pp. 8-14. Knox-Johnston, R., In the wake of Columbus. The Map Collector (1992) 58, pp. 14-20. Koeman, C., Günter Schilder 50 jaar. Caert-Thresoor 11 (1992) 1, pp. 1-2. Krogt, P. van der, De zakglobe van Abraham van Ceulen (ca. 1697). Caert-Thresoor 11 (1992) 1, pp. 7-11. Nicholson, T., The first Ordnance Survey District Maps of England, Wales and Scotland, 1857-1889. The Cartographic Journal 28 (1992), pp. 176-181. Okhuizen, E., De (on)mogelijkheid van een Noordoost passage in het Europese kaartbeeld van de 15e en de eerste helft 16e eeuw. Caert-Thresoor 11 (1992) 1, pp. 24-31. Rodger, E.M., Large-scale English county maps and plans of cities not printed in atlases. Part 15: Hertfordshire. The Map Collector (1992) 58, pp. 31-40. Smith, D., The enduring image of early British townscapes. The Cartographic Journal 28 (1992), pp. 163-176. Voogt, H. H. Ingen-Housz, Henripolis: Kaarten bij een ontwikkelingsproject in de 17e eeuw. Caert-Thresoor 11 (1992) 1, pp. 31-38. Vries, Dirk de, Die Helvetia-Wandkarte von Mercator. Cartographica Helvetica (1992) 5, pp. 3-11. Wallis, H., Is the Paris map the long-sought chart of Columbus? The Map Collector (1992) 58, pp. 20-24. Wyder-Leemann, Elisabeth Samuel, Der Zehntenplan des Zürichbergs von Hans Rudolf Müller, 1682. Cartographica Helvetica (1992) 5, pp. 21-30. Kartografische organisaties en opleidingen Andersson, Ulf, Geographica! Information Services in Scandinavia. Mapping Awareness and GIS Europe 6 (1992) 2, pp. 31 e.v. Beek, K.J. H.A.M.J. van Gils, Global and environ mental monitoring: the challenge to educators. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 47 (1992) 1, pp. 51-59. Cremers, Petra, GEON considers GIS within an Organisa tion. Mapping Awareness and GIS Europe 6 (1992) 1pp. 52 e.v. Davey, A.B.T., The Ordnance and the Ordnance Survey - offspring or foundling? The Cartographic Journal 28 (1992), pp. 181-188. Delamarre, Aliette Frank Auriac, Cartographie de l'offre des equipements et des Services en France. Mappemonde (1991) 4, pp. 23-27. DeMers, M.N. P.F. Fisher, Comparative evolution of statewide GIS in Ohio. International Journal of Geographical Information Sys tems 5 (1991) 4, pp. 469-487. Donnay, J-P. Joris Sanders, Digital mapping and GIS in Belgium. Mapping Awareness and GIS Europe 6 (1992) 2, pp. 19 e.v. Fairbairn, David Neil Deeley, Animation in the cartogra phic drawing office. Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers 25 (1991) 1, pp. 1-9. Hammen, John L. III, Accomodating Student diversity in remote sensing instruction. Journal of Geography 91 (1992) 1, pp. 28-32. Hirschfield, Alex et al., Data assembly, information Sys tems and policy relevant research: The URPERRL two years on. Mapping Awareness and GIS Europe 6 (1992) 1, pp. 46-52. Hobbie, Dierk, GeoKart-German association for private activities in surveying and photogrammetry. Mapping Awareness and GIS Europe 6 (1992) 3, pp. 15-17. 58 KT 1992.XVIII.3

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1992 | | pagina 60