st' Vi - -n'V; is a rational solutio statistics, text, graf Ablage Kartengrundlage Selektionen MeAreihen Karlen bearbeiten m0fm3 Kontin. Menstation llltesbaden-MItte Station* Nt: 17 024 Diagramm 03-liierte Diagramm V" t~a) L\\A Adllgenswil Kriens Horw Lands Charts* rhongebiet Eigental - ObJ. Nr. 284 Notiz labeile Hergtswil (NW) Beschriftung einsetzten Beschriftung loschen flile Objekte lengiunülage Gruppe addieren Gruppe reduzieren Bedeutung addieren Bedeutung reduzieren Tgp reduzieren Gefahrdung addieren Gefahrdung reduzieren Kiesgrube Felsioand Hochhecke m.B. LUeidelandschaft Waldrand Bufforstung Schlucht tu,-. Pfeifengrasried A Niederhecke o.B. Iii Flusslauf J\ Bat hlein 4J Kleinseggenrled Hochstaudenried jÄg Bachlouf ■TSh Feuchtmlese f&j Quelle A Tümpel Entwässerungsgräben rS Einzelbaum Mg Hochhecke o.B. ^91 Baumgruppe Jn Einzelbaume 'f\ Gebüschgruppe V J Baumhecke ff Feldgeholz J Niederhecke m.B. i-i Einzeigebüsch f\ Rllee Hochstamm /J Hochstamm Niederstamm Jjj Hochstamm Halbstamm «'s Hochstamm Halbstamm Niederstamm Lanui-.cape protection The possibilities offered by cart/o/ INFO have been demonstrated to the municipality of Schwarzenberg (Lebensraum Kt. LU) in the areas of landscape planning and land use administration. Via menu com- mands various landscape elements and their spatial distribution can, in a simple way, be requested. It is also possible to request object oriented information. Through this representation and request System a simple networked visualisation method is made possible and fun- damentally simplified for the very first time. For the information and data are in general accessible but an interpretation and a ciear repre sentation are only possible through the application of a made-to- measure spatial information system. Environmental protection The example shows a map of soil contamination in which the current measurement values are continuously updated and illustrated in an external data base. By introducing graphic material the local Situation can be projected on the screen within a few seconds. On the accompanying illustration a soil map is indicated on which the natural land use data can be represented. These data can be regarded as independent sources of information or can be combined in any way with economic, social or cultural data. The data can be simultaneously processed at different locations and in different ways. In this way data can be acquired for a particular processing or planning purpose. cartVlNFO Air quality control This example shows data relating to air quality measurement in an inner city. These data, from both static and mobile measuring stations, can be fed directly into the system and, therefore, be used both for monitoring and the compilation of ongoing Statistical maps. The history and development of the data is illustrated in diagrams. Through the setting of limits, air quality alarm instructions can be specified. With the aid of magnifications and calculations forecasts can be made per area. Ablage Kartengrundlage Objeklwahl Karle bearbeiten ImporteNEnporteHlsten INFOPLAN i Ablage Kartengrundlage Objeklwahl Karle bearbeiten importeNExporteNListen I I 1 IWIIlll 1 für Raumplanung, 3003 Bern Kantonsgrenze Bezirksgrenze Gerne indegrenze überbautes Gebiet hoher Dichte überbautes Gebiel mittlerer Dichte überbautes Gebiet niederer Dichte Bauzone nicht überbaut Industriegebiet Uberbaut Industriezone nicht überbaut Wies- und Ackerland, Obstbau Wald Weiden Oed- und Unland wichtige Durchgangsstrasse wichtige Regionalstrasse Eisenbahn einspurig Eisenbahn doppelspurig

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1993 | | pagina 62