summaries C.A. Blok - The factor time in choropleth maps for severely visually handicapped people Several strategies exist to represent spatio-temporal changes by means of maps, both in a slatic and in a dynamic way. Those visually handicapped people who are predominantly depend- ent on tactual perception of maps still have to rely on static representations, either through Single or multiple maps. Given the constraints in the perception and processing of tactual Information, even with a Single map, the question arises, how- ever, whether severely visually handicapped people are able to 'conveniently' use multiple maps. In the exploratory study described here, this question has been dealt with. Tests have been performed using choropleth maps on swell paper. Ques- tions were asked at three distinct reading levels. Resu/ts show that the patterns developed were clearly distinguishable and evoked the required ordered perception. In the map reading tasks, the criteria set for convenient use were met for all except one of the questions. S.P. Goel en J.E. Drummond Identifying a data capture production line for building a National Topographie Database The Survey of India (SOI) is considering building a National Topographie Database, which should be the topographic con- tribution to the National Digital Database of India. This paper summarizes an investigation carried out on four potential data production lines (manual digitizing, low cost and high cost scanning and vectorizing, and 'on-screendigitizing), using a section of a map of the 1:250.000 series. It compares the four methods in terms of the times required and the spatial accuracy of the end produet. All methods fulfilled the quality require- ments, but some methods seem to be better suited for particu- lar tasks than others. F.J. Ormeling sr. - Maps in the courtroom: a historic lawsuit about Copyright The article describes the lawsuit of 1911-1913 on alleged Copyright violation between two competing educational Publishing houses, both situated in Groningen. In 1908 P. Noordhoff published a school atlas with a number of maps which looked suspiciously like the Bosatlas, published by com- petitor J.B. Wolters since 1877 and appearing in its se- venteenth edition in 1906. In addition, the editors of the atlases had identical family names which could further con- tribute to confusion. Publisher Wolters brought charges against the managing director of Noordhoff and his editor concerning violation of Copyright. In 1911-1913 this was successively dealt with by the court of justice in Groningen and upon appeal by a higher court in Leeuwarden. In both cases the accused were cleared of the charges. The acquittal was considerably influenced by the choice of expert-witnesses. Noordhoff was supported by two wellknown geographers who had experience in educational cartography, white the witnesses for the prosecution, Coming from large scale topographic map- ping circles, were completely Zacking this experience. It was not difficultfor the defence, therefore, to refute the charges and to clear the way for acquittal of the accused. The lawsuit reeeived considerable attention in the press. Without doubt, this drew the attention of the public to the map as a medium, and at the same time it can be assumed that the lawsuit contributed to further reflection in the small cartographic Community on ethi- cal questions related to the profession. J. Schilder - The map of the first regional plan of Flevoland This article concerns the production of the map, depicting the first regional plan of the province of Flevoland. The basic principles of the regional plan, the cartographic design of the map and the Organisation of cartographic work in the 'Büro Kartografie en Grafisch Ontwerp' of this province are dealt with. Attention is paid to the processing and representation of geographica! Information by automated procedures, which are applied to produce maps for all provincial policy areas. Data are stored in a digital database in such a way, that road, traffic, water, environmental andplanning maps in three scale classes can be produced. The enclosed map of the regional plan is an example produced from data stored at the smallest scale (class 3). Finally, digital pre-press processing for printing is briefty discussed. D.E. Richardson - Automated spatial and thematic gene- ralization using a Context Transformation Mode! This article summarizes the author's doctoral thesis on gene- ralization, undertaken at the Agricultural University in Wage ningen, the Netherlands, Rather than addressing generaliza- tion from a graphic representation viewpoint, this research examines it more from a database perspective and develops techniques that address map content rather than form. A gene- ralization model is developed with the objective to create a logical method for determining what should appear on a map or in a representation, based on a rationale for why objects should appear and when, in order to accommodate the di- versity in user needs. As well, a method has been developed to control the generalization processes and evaluate it. The con- trol process results in the availability of continuous generaliza tion and the evaluation is available at every level of data. This article gives a brief description of the methodology used for realizing these objectives with the help of a Context Trans formation Model. KT 1994.XX. 1 75

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1994 | | pagina 77