summaries O.A. Bouma - The 'Witsen' project: searching for the ideal map of The Netherlands Keywords: visualisation, regional planning cartography, research In the State Physical Planning Agency of The Netherlands a need existsfor a map which is able to give a good and immediate impression of the actual physical appearance of the current Dutch landscape. Such a map does not exist yet. The Agency therefore commissioned the so-called 'Witsen Project': an investigation into the possibilities ofrealizing such a map. The article reports on those investigations. Initially, the purpose of the map, its users and the scale were determined. After deciding on the content of the map, a legend with associative symbols was designed. Next to various types oflanduse, relief and humidity of the soil have been incorporated. Afirst sample map, based on analogue sources, was produced to test the design (Utrecht and surroundings). Evaluation showed that some adjustments were required. The next step was to investigate whether a map with approximately the same visual appearance could also be based on digital sources. The article gives an overview ofthe existing digital sources used to build a 'Witsen database' and ofpossible production lines to produce a hard copy 'Witsen map' from this database. A secon sample map of the Randstad (enclosed) shows the result. The final map (at scale 1:200,000) will be approximately 1.5 x 2 meters. D. Schenk M. van Lingen - Space for 2015, impression of the spatial development of The Netherlands Keywords: visualisation, digital cartography, applications The Dutch Physical Planning Agency took the initiative to produ ce a map ofThe Netherlands in order to visualize - as concretely as possible - the physical characteristics of the country in the year 2015. The poster is enclosed in this issue ofthe Kartografisch Tijdschrift. Its main map consists ofthree layers of Information, each reflecting a different policy level. Local structures and pat- terns can be recognized in the composite Landsat image, which forms the base. At national level the main structure isformed by urban and rural areas. Policies applying to the different areas are shown by transparant colours in the second layer. In the broader perspective of Northwestern Europe, The Netherlands can be characterized as 'Waterland'. 'Distributionland' and 'Urbanized land'. This is represented in the third layer by emphasizing certain hydrographic elements, main ports, communication lines and urban nodes. The main map is accompanied by a series of compo site photographs, which on the one hand serve as a legend and on the other hand attempt to show how tomorrow 's landscape will look like. The small scale maps at the bottom also serve as legend and contain some further policy information. Design and production were carried out by VRTI Design. The dataset consisted of some 45 Arclnfo coverages (over 3 gigabyte storage space), which had to be combined with the enhanced com posite satellite image. Currently the Physical Planning Agency and VRTI Design are producing an Interactive cartographic presentation System, which will serve as a prototype for possible future CD-ROM Solutions for such complex projects. H. Post A.A. van der Veen - A presentation System for the health impact Statement of Schiphol Airport Keywords: GIS/LIS, thematic cartography, applications At the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Pro tection GIS has been introduced for environmental health research. It has been applied for the assessment ofthe impact on public health of environmental pollution emitting from activities at and in the neighbourhood of Schiphol Airport. To facilitate the assessment by a team of researchers, a presentation System con- sisting ofslide shows has been developed in a SPANS-GIS envi- ronment. It contains cartographic representations ofalmost all the data considered to be relevant for the research. The data are inte- grated in the GIS. The main topics dealt with are topography, demography, environmental pollution - by odour, sound and air pollutants - and indicators of public health, such as the occurence of certain deseases and complaints about air traffic noise. The aim ofthe presentation System was to allow the researchers to gain a quick overview ofthe characteristics ofthe area concerned and of the suitability ofthe available data. Furthermore, the aim was to illustrate the possibilities of a GIS to analyze and present data in environmental health research. The article describes the design and Implementation ofthe System and acldresses problems encountered during the development. It con- cludes that the system came up to expectations. Y. T. Bouma - Research on the quality of citymaps Keywords: map use, urban cartography, research This paper describes a research project about the quality of city maps which was carried out by the Cartography Section ofthe Faculty of Geographical Sciences ofthe University of Utrecht on behalf ofthe Netherlands Consumers Organisation. The maps which were subjected to the test reflected the commer- cially available maps ofthe populär tourist eitles in Europe, on sale in The Netherlands. The cities were selected bij the Consu mers Organisation. In the maps, those items were tested that have been identified as being important to the tourist. In total eight items were checked: relevant mapitems, legibility, completeness, accessibility, up to dateness, extra information, KT 1994.XX.2 65

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1994 | | pagina 67