r* 0 s I of meer gebruiker-specifieke voorde- len, en het gewicht daarvan kan per gebruikerscategorie verschillen. T T x T X' cjp 47 KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT I995-XXI-4 Als we het nut van een stroomdiagram en de gebruikerscategorieen naast el- kaar zetten, dan verschijnen onder- staande tabellen (tabel 1, 2 en 3). De Symbolen die in de standaard voor stroomdiagrammen worden gebruikt, zijn als volgt in te delen: 1. produktsymbolen; 2. processymbolen; 3. referentie- en platformsymbolen. ad 1. Produktsymbolen (figuur 1) In deze categorie Valien de Symbolen die analoge produkten weergeven zoals ßlms, lijsten met produktspecißcaties enz. en digitale produkten ofwel be standen. ad 2. Processymbolen (figuur 2) Deze Symbolen geven acties of een sa menspei van acties weer. In principe wordt een produkt gebruikt voor een actie, en het resultaat is een nieuw/ge- wijzigd produkt. Daarom verbinden de processymbolen produkten (zie platform- en referentiesysmbolen) Tabel 2. Het stroomdiagram als hulpmiddel voor produktiecontrole. Tabel 3. Het stroomdiagram als hulpmiddel voor evaluatie. Figuur 1. Overzicht produktsymbolen. SYMBOL WITH EXPLANATtON with reference-number. description, positive/nega- tive-expression, matenal- specification and reading/ wrong reading-expression with reference-number, description, positive/nega- tive-expression, material- specification and reading/ wrong reading-expression descnption \descriptiori\ with reference-number, description, positive/nega- tive-expression, material- specification and reading/ wrong reading-expression with reference-number, description, positive/nega- tive-expression, material- specification and reading/ wrong reading-expression with reference-number and description with reference-number and description with reference-number and description with reference-number and description description ^description^ with reference-number, description, extension, name and raster/vector-expression with reference-number, description, extension, name and raster/vector-expression with reference-number, description and type- specification with reference-number, description and type- specification with reference-number and with or without medium- code, name and extension with reference-number and with or without medium - code, name and extension NAME AND DESCRIPTION reprographic product A product that proceeds from a reprographic process like a camera-shot or an in-contact exposure. corresponding reprographic products Two or more strongly resembling reprographic products, for example by being a series production. Each product has an own reference-number or all the products have a collective one. product Any product like a map-specifiction (standardized or not), an intermediate product (non-reprographic) or a test-map (plot, print or proof). corresponding products Two or more strongly resembling products with either each an apart, or together a universal reference- number As a rule a table with the alpha-numerical data that have to be mapped, in that respect also source- material. corresponding lists Two or more alpha-numerical lists that resemble strongly with either each a specific or together a general reference-number. help-product An inter-product' in, on or from which the planimetric positioning is of minor importance, like it is for text that still has to be placed. corresponding heip-products Two or more strongly resembling help-products with two or more indiviaual reference-numbers or one common reference-number. internal file A file in the work-memory or on the hard-disk of a Computer, either in use or not in use. corresponding internal files Two or more files that resemble strongly and might be open as well as closed; each file has a specific or all the files have a general reference-number internal sub-file A file that falls under an other file, like a library, a template or a window. corresponding internal sub-files Two or more strongly resembling sub-files with two or more individual reference-numbers or one common reference-number. external file A file that is not directly accessible because it's stored on an external medium, well-known media are tape and diskette. corresponding external files Two or more strongly resembling, external stored files, with one reference-number or with two or more reference-numbers. Aspect van produktiecontrole Specifieke voordelen voor de gebruikerscategorie kwaliteitscontrole medewerker en kwaliteitscontroleur produktietijd medewerker en produktieleider produktievoortgang produktieleider en planner Aspect van evaluatie Specifieke voordelen voor de gebruikerscategorie gebatikte tijd produktieleider produktieproblemen produktieleider en medewerker kennis en scholing medewerker en produktieleider ad 3. Referentie-en platformsymbolen (figuur 3) De Symbolen in deze categorie worden gebruikt om: diverse stadia op eenzelfde produkt aan te geven; te verwijzen naar andere produkten of stadia in het pro- duktieproces die als referentie gebruikt dienen te worden; de produktie-omgeving te specificeren. Het laatste wordt bereikt door alle produkten, processen en referenties die binnen een bepaalde produktie-omgeving plaatsvinden in het stroomdiagram te omkaderen. Met de Symbolen moet het mogelijk zijn om een grafische weergave (een stroomdiagram) te maken van produktielijnen. Dit kan op eenvoudige wijze gedaan worden met behulp van een tekenprogramma op de Computer. Programma's zoals CorelDraw, FreeHand en Adobe Illustrator zijn hiervoor zeer geschikt. Figuur 2. Overzicht processymbolen. SYMBOL WITH EXPLANATION j J- T ,TTT_, with or without exposure-specifications with or without exposure-specifications with or without exposure-specifications with or without exposure-specifica tions with or without exposure-specifications with or without exposure-specifications with or without shot-specirications with or without shot-specifications with or without shot-specifications with or without print-specifications with or without criterium with logical characterand with or without specifications with logical character and with or without specifications with logical character and with or without specifications with logical character and with or without specifications with logical character and with or without specifications with logical character and with or without specifications with logical character and with or without specifications NAME AND DESCRIPTION in-contact exposure A normal 'side to side'-exposure in a contact-frame or contact-case exposure with in-between film An exposure like a normal in-contact exposure, but with an in-between film, frequently used for getting text free from the background. exposure through the base An exposure in a contact-frame or contact-case, whereby the film is exposed through the transparent base. exposure through the base with in-between film An exposure like a normal exposure through the base, but with an extra, in-between film. in-contact exposure with normal screen An exposure in a contact-frame or contact-case, using a screen, things like percentage screen density, screen angle and screen type are to be specified in-contact exposure with special screen The screen used at this in-contact exposure, is more or less special; that for it normally will be specified camera-shot A shot with a reproduction-camera, things like prism application and scale-transformation can be specified. camera-shot with filter A shot with a camera, using a filter, the filter is to be specified. camera-shot with filter and screen A camera-shot whereby a filter as well as a screen is used, the filter and the screen can be specified. offset-printing The - final - pnnting on an offset-press whereby print order, colour order and press type can be specified. judgement A judgement of a product or process; as a switch ir 'loop' it often defines the production-progress. keyboard-input Entering data by tt tering data by the keyboard, for example for the input of preferences, resulting in a new file digitizing In any way, with a digitizer. on the screen or in another way, digitizing map-elements. resulting in a new file scanning Making a scan of excisting map-material; to be specified are among other things the resolutions, mostly a new file is shaped. editing Interactive change of data such as correction, interactive polygonising and graphic attributing etc. manipulation Automated manipulation of data such as batch polygonising and data-reduction-processes conversion Converting a file, what normally results in a new file in an other format with a modified extension. free A - digital - process that doesn't fall under the five standard-processes', like a print, then the logical character is 'P, nevertheless the filling in is free

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1995 | | pagina 53