KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT I997-XXIII-I tieme geschiedenis der Nederlanden 1, Bussum, pp. 239- 248. Shirley, R.W. (1993), The Mapping of the World. Early Printed World Maps i4j2-iyoo. London. Spies, M. (1994), Bij noorden om. Olivier Brunei en de doorvaart naar China en Cathay in de i6de eeuw. Amster dam. Stefoff, R. (1995), The British Library Companion to Maps and Mapmaking. London. Trillmich, W. (red.) (1990), Magister Adam Bremensis, Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum. In: Aus gewählte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters 11, Darmstadt, pp. 137-499. Vaughan, R. (1994), The Arctic. A History. Stroud-Dover. Veluwenkamp, J.W. (1995), The Murman Coast and the Northern Dvina Delta as English and Dutch Commer- cial Destinations in the i6th and iyth Centuries. In: Arc tic. Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America 48, pp. 257-266. Summary WA. Ligtendag - Willem Barentsz and the cartography of the far north Keywords: history of cartography, survey This article deals with the geographical knowledge and the cartography of the Arctic during Medieval and Early Modern times. In particular the role ofthe Dutch explorer Willem Ba rentsz in the advancement of geographical knowledge and the removal of non-existent Islands and incorrectly drawn coasts from maps is examined. An attempt is made to answer the fol- lowing two questions: What was the State of knowledge about the geography of the far north on the eve of Barentsz's voyages of discovery and what were the sources ofthis knowledgeWhat exactly did Barentsz's voyages add to the knowledge about the geography ofthe far north? During the Middle Ages, three dif- ferent views on the geography ofthe Arctic existed next to one another. After 1569, when Gerard Mercator published his fa- mous map of the world, the one supported by this map gained prevalence. In Mercator's view, the North Pole was marked by an enormous whirlpool, surrounded by four large islands. For- tunately, Barentsz was not solely dependent on maps illustra- ting this view. He also had access to knowledge of the shores of Scandinavia and Russia gained by English discoverers and Dutch sailors, which, exactly in Barentsz's time, gave rise to se- rious doubts about the existence of the four polar islands. The first two voyages of Barentsz did not add much to the existing body of knowledge, but his third and last voyage, on the other band, altered the maps published afterwards almost unrecog- nisably. Several important discoveries (Bear Island, Spitsbergen and parts of Nova Zembla) were added, whereas a large part of the items erroneously entered by Mercator and his predeces- sors were discarded. Thus, Willem Barentsz's ejforts led to a rather modern map of the Arctic, which presented the main geographical features ofthis area fairly well. Resume WA. Ligtendag - Willem Barentsz et la cartographie de l'Extreme Nord Mots-cles: cartographie historique, etude L'article traite de la geographie et de la cartographie de l'Arctique au Moyen-Age et au debut des Temps modernes et en particulier la contribution de l'explo- rateur neerlandais Willem Barentsz la meilleure connaissance geographique de la region, par la suppression sur les car- tes, des lies non existantes et la correction du dessin du littoral. II s'agit d'un essai de repondre aux deux questions suivan- tes: quel etait l'etat de connaissance geo graphique de l'Extreme Nord, la veille des voyages d'exploration de Barentsz et quelles etaient les sources de cette con naissance, d'une part, et quelle est la contribution particuliere de Barentsz a la meilleure connaissance geographique de la region, d'autre part. Au Moye-Age, trois differentes visions existaient sur l'Arctiqueapres la publication, en 1569, de sa fameuse carte du monde de Merca tor, la vision proposee par celui com- mengait prevaloir savoir le Pole nord represente par un enorme tourbillon est entoure par quatre grandes lies. Heureusement, Barentsz disposait d'aut- res sources aussi, notamment la descrip- tion des cötes de la Scandinavie et de la Russie par des explorateurs anglais et des marins neerlandais, connaissances met- tant serieusement en doute l'existence des lies polaires. Les deux premiers voyages de Barentsz n'ont pas opporte de connaissances nou- velles, par contre, suite son troisieme et dernier voyage, les cartes ont ete pro- fondement modifiees aussi, d'importan- tes nouvelles decouvertes y ont ete ajoutees (par ex. lies des Ours, Spitzberg, partiellement Nouvelle Zemble), tandis que d'autres indications erronees de Mercator et de ses predecesseurs ont ete supprimees. Aussi les ejforts de Barentsz ont conduit la realisation d'une carte de l'Arctique assez moderne, presentant les principaux elements geographiques de la region assez correctement. 14

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1997 | | pagina 20