KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT I997-XXIII-4 Literatuur Bakker, W. P. Schokker (1996), Internet en kartografie: de mogelijkheden van een nieuw medium. Kartografisch Tijdschrifi 1996.XXI1.1, pp. 29-43. Butler, J. (1995), An introduction to Geoscience education resources on the Internet. Computers and Geosciencesvol. 21, 6, pp. 817-824. Chopra, P. (1996), Geological mapping on the Web. The Australian Geological Survey Organisation introduces on line customisable maps. GIS User, Oct-Nov 1996, pp. 35-39. Crampton, J. (1995), Cartography resources on the World Wide Web. Cartographic Perspectives, Journal of the North American Cartographic Information Society, 22, pp. 3-11. Dickmann, F. (1997), Kartographie im Internet. Möglich keiten und Grenzen der neuen Informationstechnologie für die kartographische Praxis. Kartographische Nachrich ten, 47. Jahrgang, Heft 3, pp. 87-96. Flynn, K.C. (1996), Maps on the Web: A million maps a day. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping ACSM Bulletin, November/December 1996, pp. 18-22. Green, D.R. (1997), Cartography and the Internet. The Cartographic Journal, vol.34, no.i, pp. 23-27. Ireland, P. (1997), Plugging in to Cyberspace. GIS Europe, vol. 6, Issue 8, pp. 22-24. MacEachren, A.M. (1994), Visualization in modern carto graphy: setting the agenda. In: A.M. MacEachren D.R.F. Taylor (eds.), Visualization in modern cartography. Modern Cartography, Volume Two. Oxford: Elsevier Scien ce Ltd. Pergamon. Chapter 1, pp. 1-12. Parsons, E. (1996), Geographie information on the Inter net: an explorer's guide. GIS Europe, March 1996, pp. 28-31. Peterson, M.P. (1996), Cartographic animation on the Internet. In: F.J. Ormeling, B. Köbben R. Perez Gomez (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on Teaching Animated Car tography held at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniera Tecnica Topografica, Madrid, Spain, August 30 - September 1, 1993. In ternational Cartographic Association, pp. 11-14. Peterson, M.P. (1997a), Trends in Internet map use. In: L. Ottoson (ed.), Proceedings, Volume 3, of the i8th Interna tional Cartographic Conference ICC 99, Stockholm, 23-27 June 1997. Gävle: Swedish Cartographic Society, pp. 1635- 1642. Publicatie met veel kwantitatieve gegevens over het gebruik van kaarten op het Internet. Peterson, M.P. (1997h), WWW and map use. Presentatie in een bijeenkomst op 27 juni 1997 van de iCA-commissie Map Use tijdens de i8e Internationale Kartografische Conferentie icc 97, die werd gehouden in Stockholm, Zweden. Sarkola, P. (1997), Map Site - Finland's basemaps in www-service. In: L. Ottoson (ed.), Proceedings, Volume 1, of the i8th International Cartographic Conference ICC 97, Stockholm, 23-27 June 1997. Gävle: Swedish Cartographic Society, pp. 268-273. Stynes, K., J. Wood, J. Dykes, P. Fisher D. Unwin (I997)> Publishing cartography on the Web. Http:// www.geog.le.ac.uk/argus/iCA/KStynes/ [www-pagina, ge- raadpleegd op 13.03.1997] Summary C.P.J.M. van Elzakker A. Koussoulakou - Maps and their use on the Internet Keywords: use of geographical information, map use, Inter net, research This paper can be considered as an initial step into the requi- red research into the use ofmaps on the Internet. First, a sur vey is presented of various maps available through the World Wide Web (www). By including the URL addresses of Websites readers are invited to an on-line illustration. The authors do not deal with the possibilities to download geographical data wen digital map files) which are further processed locally with the help of cartographic or GIS Software which may also be downloaded). Here, the focus is on map types, sources, Contents and functionalities on the Internet itself. A next section of the paper deals with the limitations of the Internet from a carto graphic point of view. Thereafter, an attempt is made to iden- tify dijferent modes of use and the users ofmaps on the Inter net, now and in the future. The paper is concluded with some recommendations for further research, including tests with real users in real surfing conditions. These tests may lead to a better understanding ofthe reasons why and how people make use of cartographic tools through the Internet. This paper has been presented orally at the i8th International Cartographic Conference ICC 97 ofthe ica which was held in Stockholm, Sweden, 23-27 June 1997. The füll paper in English has been published in the Conference Proceedings (Volume 2, pp. 620-627). Resume C.P.J.M. van Elzakker A. Koussoulakou - Les cartes et leur utilisation sur Internet Mots-cles: utilisation de l'information geographique, utili sation des cartes, Internet, recherche L'article peut etre considere comme un premier pas vers des re- cherches necessaires pour l'utilisation de cartes sur l'Internet. D'abord ilpresente une revue des diverses cartes disponibles sur la Toile (www). En indiquant les adresses URL des sites, les utilisateurs sont invites proceder des illustrations en ligne. Les auteurs n'indiquentpas lespossibilitls de decharger les don- nees geographiques (ni les bases de donnees digitales): Celles peuvent etre effectuees localement par des logiciels cartographi- ques ou de SIG (qui peuvent egalement etre decharges), mais mettent l'accent sur la typologie, les sources, le contenu et les fonetions possibles de l'Internet meme. Dans un chapitre sui- vant, ils indiquent les limites de l'utilisation de l'Internet, du point de vue cartographiqueensuite ils essayent d'identifier les dijferents modes d'utilisation, ainsi que les utilisateurs meme de l'Internet, actuellement et dans l'avenir. En conclusion, les auteurs presentent des recommandations pour les recherches ulterieures, y compris des tests avec les utilisateurs reels, dans des conditions reelles de 'surfing, tests pouvant permettre une meilleure connaissance des raisons de 'pourquoi' et 'comment' on utilise les outils cartographiques via Internet. L'article reprend l'expose presente lors de la i8e Conference Cartographique Internationale de L'aci Stockholm (S) les 23- 27 quin 1997. L'article complet a ete publie en anglais dans le Vol. 2, pp. 620-627 du compte-rendu de ladite Conference. 12

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1997 | | pagina 14