m w KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT I998-XXIV-4 Figuur Scherm uit de testapplicatie van Bode om verschillende typen legenda 's te testen. plattelandskern stadslandschap kleine stad middelgrote stad grote stad specifieke werkstad natuurgebied zware industrie autoweg hoge snelheids autoweg (HSA) Noten en literatuur 1. Computing Science ReportsInformatiewetenschap 1997, Wetenschappelijke bijdragen aan de Vijfde Interdiscipli- naire Conferentie Informatiewetenschap, Eindhoven, 27 november 1997. Editor: P.M.E. de Bra (issn 0926-4515), tu Eindhoven, Eindhoven, 1997. 2. zie onder andere http://www.altavista.digital.com/; http://www.hotbot.com/; http://www.yahoo.com/ en http://edweb.cnidr.org/ibahn/history.html (The Internet). 3. http://www.jcc.com/sql_stnd.html (sql Standards homepa- ge). 4. Proceedings on the 4th Dutch-Polish seminar on Juridical and Technical Aspects for US, Delft, 1998. 5. http://www.matisse.net/files/formats.html (Common Inter net File Formats). 6. http://www.macromedia.com/ 7. http://www. ai.sri. com/geovrml 8. Legenda's van digitale, dynamische plankaarten. 9. Bode, Monique, Jaar en plaatsnummer: 1997, JB 806 (scriptie subfaculteit Geodesie, tu Delft). 10. Michael Peterson, Active Legends For Interactive Carto- graphic Animation http://maps.unomaha.edu/AnimArt IActiveLegendlPeterson.html) 11. Menno-Jan Kraak, Exploratory Cartography: maps as tools for discovery http://www.itc.nl/--cartolkraak/) 12. Creating Building Stones for Cartographic Visualization by Linking Cartographic Variables. 13. Proceedings i8th ICa/aci International Cartographic Con ferenceICC 97, Stockholm, 23-27 June 1997. Editor: L. Ottoson, Swedish Cartographic Society/iCA-iGA (isbn 91 630 5536 8), Gövle, Sweden, Vol. 2, p.p. 904-908. 14. William Cartwright: Can the Map Metaphor Be Exten- ded Using Web Delivered Multimedia? Research Questions for Multimedia Cartography http://www.ls rmit.edu.au/landinfiolstaffIweclicawglcomp_geo/comp_geo. html). 15. MacEachren M.A., Proposed International Cartographic Association Commission on Visualization, Submission to the Executive Committee of the International Carto graphic Association, March 1995. Summary R.E. Kuunders - Net Cartography Can digital cartography make the step to Internet Keywords: use of geographical information, Internet, carto graphic visualization The Internet has some limitations when it comes to visualising geographic information efficiently. One ofthe limitations con- cerns the indexing of map content and making this retrievable in a text index. By pointing out the limitations and by making their desires clear, cartographers will be able to get more out of what the Internet offers. Resume R.E. Kuunders - Cartographie sur le Reseau. La cartographie par ordinateur, peut-ellepasserpar l'Internet? Mots-cles: utilisation de l'information geographique, Inter net, visualisation cartographique L'Internet connait, en ejfet, certaines limites concernant la visualisation ejficace de l'information geographique, notam- ment quant l'index du contenu de cartes et sa repercussion sur l'index du texte. En faisant connaitre ces limites et preci- sant clairement leurs souhaits, les cartographes peuvent mieux profiter des avantages ojfertspar l'Internet. 17

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 1998 | | pagina 19