KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT Neumann A. A. Winter (1999), Vienna City Information System. url: http://www.karto.ethz.ch/aneumann/cartography/vcis/ Richard, D. C. Oberholzer (1997), Development of an Internet Atlas of Switzerland. In: Proceedings of the i8th ICAJACI International Cartographic Conference. Stockholm, 1997. PP- 989-995- SMA - Swiss Meteorological Institute (2000), SMI-Meteo- Swiss - Weather and climate in Switzerland. URL: http://www.sma.ch/ w30rg (2000), Infos and Specifications on html, dom, css, xml, smil, svg, WebcGM, http, Graphic-Formats. url: http://www.w3.0rg/MarkUpl Walker, J. (2000), Earth and Moon Viewer. url: http://www.fourmilab. ch/cgi-bin/uncgi/Earth/ Winkler, Daniela (2000), Erstellung eines Java-Applets zur Vi sualisierung und Analyse von Thematischen Karten. Thesis at the fh Munich and eth Zürich. Zürich, 40 pp. url: http://www. karto. ethz. ch/- dwinkler/ Noot Dit artikel werd als lezing gepresenteerd op de studiedag GIS in het Web van de NVK-werkgroep Nieuwe Visualisatie Technologie in de- cember 1999. De aangepaste versie hiervan is uit het Engels vertaald door F.J. Or- meling en B.J. Köbben. Summary A. Neumann D. Richard - Internet Atlas of Switzerland. New developments and improvements Keywords: production of geographical Information, Internet, atlas cartography, survey The Internet is a rapidly growing medium. Since the introduction of the WWW (around ippi at CERN), with its possibility ofpre- senting combined graphics and text and the ability of linking to other documents, it seems to be the ideal medium for presenting 2000-XXV1-3 scientific (and other) information. From the very beginning maps have pLtyed an important role in presenting spatial information on the Internet. Unfortunately, many of them are ofpoor graphic- al quality, and Lack consistenteasy to use interfaces. Furthermore, many are static and do not provide much more interaction than just simple clickable image maps. We are now at the threshold be- tween the fourth andfifth browser generation. Since the 4th gene- ration many new technologies have been added to the web brow- sers (HTML4, CSS, improved Scripting, event models, new plug- ins etc.) that make those browsers ideal plaforms for presenting cartographic data in a distributed, plaform-independent but still highly interactive manner. This paper reports on the current pro- ject of the Internet Atlas of Switzerland, the technology we use and our plans for the fiiture. Resume A. Neumann D. Richard - L Atlas de Suisse sur /'Internet. Nouveaux developpements et ameliorations Mots-cles: production de l'information geographique, Inter net, cartographie d'atlas, etude Depuis son introduction, l'Intemet est un media en pleine evolu- tion, avec des avantages de pouvoir contenir graphiques, textes et d'autres documents, Solution ideale pour la presentation d'infor- mations scientifiques (et autres). Des le debut, les cartes y ontjoue un role important lors de la presentation des phenomenes spatiaux dont, malheureusement, souvent, de mediocre qualite graphique et sans consistences, permettant d'utiliser l'interfaces. De plus, sou vent aussi, de caractere statique oü l'interaction se limite cliquer l'image. Actuellement nous sommes au seuil entre la quatrieme et la cinquiemegeneration de 'browsers'et de nouvelles technologiesy ont ete introduites: HTML HyperText Markage Language, CSS Cascading Style Sheet, criture amelioree, modeles d'evene- ment, nouveaux raccordements etc., platefiormes ideales pour la presentation de cartes d'une fagon independante, mais toujours fort interactive. L'article presente l'etat d'avancement actuel du projet Internet Atlas of Switzerland, la technologie utilisee et les plans d'avenir. 60

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 2000 | | pagina 66