KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT 200I-XXVII-2 Millea, N. (1998), Delivering digital data into the library: the digimap project and its impact on the map room - the Bodleian Library experience. The Liber quarterly9, nr. 2, pp. 189-200. url: http://www.kb.nl/infolev/liber/articLes/mU- lea03-n.html. Kraak, M.J. (2000), Web maps and atlases. In: Kraak, M.J. A. Brown (eds), Web Cartography: developments and prospects. Taylor Francis, London, pp.129-135. Kraak, M. J., N. Emmer E. Mac Gillavry (2000), Upda- ting a census web atlas in a geospatial data infrastructure using agents and metadata. Proceedings ipth ISPRS Conferen ce - IAPRS, Amsterdam, 33, pp. 172-179. Larsgaard, M. (2001), Map and Imagery Laboratory, Davids on Library, University of California, Santa Barbara (13 fe- bruari 2001). Larson, R.R. (1996), Geographie information retrieval and spatial browsing. In: Smith, L. M. Gluck (eds), GIS and Libraries: Patrons, Maps and Spatial Information, pp. 81-124. url: http-J/sherlock.berkeley.edu/geo_ir/PARTi.html. Lowe, J.W. (1999), Looking Good Online: Designing an Effective Gis Web Site. Geo Info Systems 9, nr. 10, pp. 36-44. Naber, G. H. Slijkhuis (2000), De unieke collectie kaar- ten van Alterra beschikbaar op Internet. Kartografisch Tijd- schrifivo\ xxvi.4, pp 21-23. oclo (2001), Introduction to the Dewey Decimal Classifica tion. URL: http://www.oclc.org/dewey/about/about_the_ddc.htm Palko, S. (1999), Partnerships and Evolution of the National Atlas of Canada. In: Proceedings ICA iyth ICC, Ottawa, pp. 275-284 (session C2-C on cd-rom). URL: http://atlas.gc. ca/english/about_us/index_pres_e. html#partnerships. Summary M-J. Kraak, F.J. Ormeling J. Smits - The national atlas as Organisation medium for access to geoinformation Keywords: use of geographical information, background Traditionally, the atlas is used as a tool to find geographic information. In a digital environment this could be a digital atlas. The authors take this idea as the starting point for their research proposal to use the national atlas, as metaphor for the most accurate and detailed source of geoinformation, as one of the entries to the geoinformation infrastructure of the Netherlands. Other funetions of the atlas to this end should be the geographic ordering of the information, as geographic search engine, as interface to the underlying databases and as visualiser of the databases. At the same time attention is paid to the position of the atlas itself as part of the formal geoinformation infrastructure of the country and therefiore providing access to geospatial data. Resume M-J. Kraak, F.Ormeling J. Smits L 'atlas national en tant que media pour rendre accessible l'information geographique Mots-cles: utilisation de l'information geographique, informa tion de reference L'atlas est l'outil traditionnelpour La recherche des informations geographiques. Dans un environnement numerique, il pourrait donc s'agir d'un atlas numerique: c'est le point de depart des auteurs d'un projet de recherches visant utiliser l'atlas national, metaphore des informations les plus precises et les plus detaillees en la matiere, comme un des medias donnant acces Tinfrastructure de l'information geographique aux Pays-Bas. D 'autres fonetions de l'atlas pourraient etre, lors de la 'mise en ordre geographique' de l'information: Instrument ('machine') de recherche, interface pour saisir des donnees complementaires et comme media de visualisation des donnees. Les auteurs insistent enfin sur l'articulation de l'atlas, en tant qu'instrument de recherche d'information geographique accessible dans l'organisation de Tinfrastructure nationale du SIG. 47

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 2001 | | pagina 53