tfSff Haack Geographical- Cartographical Calendar 2002 KÜH PERTHES Maps Rieh in Ornament KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT 200I-XXVII-3 from government bodies, present and past. Since this information is in principle available on payment of delivery cost only, the Internet allows a new type of atlas to be created in whicb the spatial data can be accessed directly. An Internet Atlaslike this can only be realised if all parties involved agree to the principle and provided they make the information available in an agreed format. The Internet Atlas ofThe Netherlands attempts to make a small step in this direction. Resume A. van den Boogert Atlas des Pays-Bas sur l'Internet Mots-cles: utilisation de l'informarion geographique, carto- graphie d'atlas, applications Le dit 'Internet Atlas van Nederland' (IANL) est un site au Reseau ayant pour but de diffuser toute information concernant le territoire du pays. II existe en ejfet de nombreuses donnees spatiales des diverses autorites et d'autres instances disponibles contre payement; via Internet pourrait-on ainsi disposer d'une nouvelle sorte d'atlas, directement disponible. La condition en etait que toutes les instances concernees puissent trouver, de commun accord, le concept approprie et harmonise. IANL est un premier pas dans cette direction. iül" garten .ty Geo&ral Justus Perthes Verlag Gotha With your idual compa mint, an idea less present f ir customers! The fine maps that were selected for this calendar are from many different parts of the world. The cartographic drawers and engravers succeeded in producing parti- cularly interesting and richly adorned maps. The elaborate allegories, persons, coats of arms, constructions and other illustrations depict the typical features of these regions and add to the pleasure of looking explanatory texts: English/ German, 12 coloured antique maps, 43 x 39 cm ISBN 3-623-00471-5 DM39,80 €20,35 For further information please contact: Klett International, P.O. Box 10 60 16 D-70049 Stuttgart, Germany phone: (+7116 66 40-21, telefax: (+711)61 72 01 e-mail: 24

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 2001 | | pagina 30