ObjectlWater Watertype plas 0bject4: Terrein Landgebruik grasland 0bject5: Terrein Landgebruk heide 0bject7Spoorbaandeel Verkeersgebruik trein Objectfi: Wegdeel Wegtype lokale weg 0bject2 Bebouwing Type gebouw 0bject3: Terrein Landgebruik erf KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT ?ooi xxvii 4 Figuur 8 - Opdeling in objecten. TOPiovector data in the Netherlands. In: Proceedings ofthe 20th International Carto- graphic Conference. Beijing, pp. 1359-1368. Literatuur Asperen, P.C.M van (1996), Digital Updates at the Dutch Topographie Service. ISPRS Conference Proceedings, Commission iv, Working Group 3. Asperen, P. van (2000), Projectplan 'Onderzoek objectgerichtheid TOPpro- dueten, versie 2.0. Emmen: Topografi- sche Dienst. Barrault, M. et al. (2001), Integrating multi-agent, object-oriented, and algo- rithmic techniques for improved auto- mated map generalization. In: Procee dings of the 20th International Carto- graphic Conference, icc 2001 Beijing, China, pp. 2110-2116. Heres L., J. den Hartog-Sprockel P. Plomp (2000), Basisbestand Net werken, NWB-wegen, -vaarwegen en spoorwegen, versie 9. Knippers, R. M.J. Kraak (2001), Objectgerichte beschrijving TOPiovector, Concept ontwerp gegevensmodel, versie 1.0. Enschede: ITC. Kolk, E. (1995), On the road with TOPiovector - a nationwide medium scale geographic database. NGT Geodesia, nr. 1, pp. 13-19. Molenaar, M. (1998), An Introduction to the Theory ofSpatial Object Model- lingfor GIS. London: Taylor Francis. Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (1995), Terreinmodel Vastgoed, NEN 3610. Ordnance Survey (2001), Overview specification -DNF detail- ed topographic data held by the user-, vi.o.e. Ravi (2000), Informatiemodel Ruimtelijke Ordening (IMRO), Digitale uitwisseling in de Ruimtelijke Ordening. Zeeuw, C.J de., J.D. Bulens, A.K. Bregt, R. Knapen, P.J. Lentjes R. van der Schans (2000), Gebruikersspecificaties topio-2iste eeuw. Wageningen: Centrum voor Geo-Informatie (cgi), Alterra. Zeiler, M. (1999) Modeling our World, the ESRI Guide to Geodatabase Design, esri Press. Summary N.J. Bakker E. Kolk A new generation TOPiovector data in the Netherlands Keywords: gis/lis, digital cartography, produetion of geogra- phical information, research The Topographic Service of the Netherlands completed the database TOPiovector, related to the scale 1:10,000, in 1997. Also smaller scale databases were finished. The digital produets have created a new market. The national Gl-platform has formulated strong ideas on the desired future development of TOPiovector. The increasing involvement of the users in the digital produets has resulted in the establishment of a user group. The feedback of these organisations urges for, and is the input of a second-generation database. Structure, contents and delivery of datasets are to be renewed. Add to it new developments in produetion techniques and a major exercise for our Organisation for the years to come becomes apparent. The new structure should support object- orientation, unique IDs, change-only detection, seamless database, multi-representation, and, as far as possible, automatic generalisation. Linking with other national thematic databases is foreseen. Furthermore the aim is to use openGIS Standards. Together with the universities ofDelftWageningen and the ITC in Enschede a prototype for a new structure is under development. This article reports on the results ofthe various developments that are going to determine the upgrading of TOPiovector. 21

Digitale Tijdschriftenarchief Stichting De Hollandse Cirkel en Geo Informatie Nederland

Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 2001 | | pagina 27