I KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT 2002-XXVHI-2 Summary M. Storms - Chances for and threats to academic cartography education Keywords: cartographic training, history of cartography, stu- dents One of the major problems of the education programme in cartography at the University of Utrecht is the Low number of students that choose the subject. This is a serious threat to the future of cartographic education at the university. In recent years the number of courses has decreased. Therefore, it is of great importance that potential students become enthusiastic for education in the field of geographical information. The promotion for geo-information can start at primary school with geography programmes like the Internet Atlas of the Netherlands (www. internetatlas. nl). At the secondary school level specialists in the geo-information business can help with promotion. The demand of educated geo-information specialists is high. Beside that it is important that further educational institutes know what is going on in the minds of students What influences the choices students makeHow do students get information about different coursesCooperation between different further educational institutes that give courses in geographical information is necessary. Some initiatives in this direction have already started. For cartography in Utrecht the new Bachelor-Master structure opens up new chances. The proportion of the course devoted to optional subjects will increase, so the amount of potential cartography students will grow too. Besides that it seems that the number of cartographic courses will be more than in the current Situation. If enough students become enthusiastic for cartography there is hope for the future of academic education in cartography in Utrecht. At this moment it is not sure whether the presentation of the courses to possible students will lead to satisfactory results. Another question is how the new structure of bachelor-master will function. NVK -nieuws Mutaties leden- en abonnementenbestand van 01-01-2002 tot 15-4-2002 Nieuw Köbben, P.J.M. Opgezegd verklaring stand per 11168 10031 Beusen, J.H. nvk-nummer 15/04/2002 11170 Veenstra, Ing. B.T. 10107 Elk, M.W.H. van 10000 e.v. 11171 Nef, R. 10318 Roeleveld, W. individuele leden binnenland 486 11172 Daelen, drs. C.R.H. van 10477 Ven, ing. M. van de 20000 e.v. 11173 Kock, W.J. 10788 Kragten, W.J. (per ultimo 2002) individuele leden buitenland 17 11174 Popering, J.A. van 11048 Mark, G. van der 50000 e.v. in 75 Louwers, C. 11080 Pfeiffer, A. abonnementen binnenland 97 11176 Mooyer.drs. J.C. 11085 Eijck, E.J. van 40000 e.v. in 77 Bleijinga, E. 11135 Beukema, M. abonnementen buitenland 24 30090 Hogeschool Larenstein, Velp 50008 Koninklijke Bibliotheek 50000 e.v. 30244 Wijnen, drs. W. institutionele leden binnenland 92 40063 bnf Direction de Collections, Overleden 60000 e. v. Paris 10518 Geurts, P. institutionele leden buitenland 2 50179 Waterschap Veit en Vecht, 10575 Struick, W.J. yoooo e.v. Coevorden 10746 Voorden, prof.dr.ir. F.W. van studentleden 13 60007 Univ. Gent, 10910 Leopold, prof.ing. F.F. 80000 e. v. Bibl. Wetenschappen gratis lidmaatschappen en Zoek abonnementen 4i 20042 Nijkamp, F.J.M. 43

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 2002 | | pagina 45