KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT 2003-XXIX-2 Kraak, M.J. (2000), About maps, cartography, geovisualization and other graphics. GeoinformaticsJournal, vol. 3, December 2000. Kohonen, T. (1989), Self-Organizing Maps. Berlin: Springer- Verlag. MacEachren, A.M. et al. (1999), Constructing knowledge from multivariate spatiotemporal data: integrating geographical visualization with knowledge discovery in databases methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Sciencevol. 13, nr. 4, pp. 311-334. MacEachren, A.M. M.J. Kraak (2001), Research challenges in geovisualization. Cartography and Geoinformation science, vol. 28, nr. 1. Miller, H.J. J. Elan (2001), Geographie data miningand knowledge discovery. London: Taylor and Francis. Norman, D.A. S.W. Draper (1986), User centered System design: New perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction. New Jersy: Lawrence Erlban Associates, Publishers. Openshaw, S. C. Openshaw (1997), ArtificialIntelligence in geography. Chichester: John Wiley Sons, pp. 21-25. Rubin, J. (1994), Handbook ofusability testing: How to plan, design, and conduct ejfective tests. New York: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Ultsch, A. (1993), Self-organizing Neural Networks for Visualization and Classification, in O. Opitz, B. Lausen R. Klar (Eds.), Information and ClassificationBerlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 307-313. Summary Etien L. Koua Exploring Seif Organising Maps for representation and visualisation of complex geospatial data sets Key words: visualisation, spatial data exploration, exploratory analysis, Self-Organising Maps New techniques for spatial data acquisition generate large amounts of data to process. Analysis of these data is difficult because of the amount, complexity, scaling issues, and existing - yet hidden - patterns. Traditional deduetive and statistically oriented analyses may not be suitable, partly due to the complexity of the attributes, partly due to the inejficiency of existing mathematical methods. Data-rich environments require the strueture and support offered by techniques for data exploration in Order to reduce the complexity and to facilitate knowledge building. Ideally, users would be able to visualise spatial data in any combination of variables and at any scale to discover spatial relations and patterns. To explore and use data sets more efficiently and intuitively, geoinformatics can learn from the techniques developed by other diseiplines (e.g. Information visualisation) such as Statistical analysis, artificial intelligence, and artificial neural networks fior data analysis and pattern recognition. Especially, the Self- Organising Map (SOM), is a neural network model marked as a promising technique for exploring large spatial data sets. Here, the SOM-algorithm is applied to explore the socio-economic characteristics of municipalities in the Dutch province Overijssel. The purpose of the SOM-algorithm is to bring to the fiore the strueture and patterns in the data set. Spatial analysis, exploration, and knowledge building are combined to create a visual representation of the data that stimulates pattern recognition and generation of hypotheses. Some examples of visual representation (information Spaces) are explored. Spatial metaphors such as distances, regions, and scale are applied to simplify this. Resume E.L. Koua Representation et visualisation des series de donnees geospatiale complexe: le cos des 'Self-Organising Maps(SOM) Mots-cles: visualisation, exploration de donnees spatiales, Self- Organising Maps Les nouvelles techniques d'exploration des donnees spatiales produisent des donnees innombrables dont l'analyse est dijficile en raison de leur quantite, complexite, problemes d'echelle et leur strueture, souvent cachee. Les methodes d'analyse traditionnelles deduetives et statistiques semblent d'est pas etre appropriees pour des series de donnees aussi larges, vu la complexite des attributs, d'une part. Dans un tel environnement l'utilisateur doit pouvoir faire appel, de plus en plus, l'organisation et l'appui d'exploration des donnees par une simplification fiacilitant leur prise en connaissance. Idealement, il devrait pouvoir explorer les donnees spatiales dans n'importe quelle combinaison et n Importe quelle echelle, en vue de decouvrir les relations et struetures spatiales. A cette fin la communaute des geo-informaticiens peut faire appel d'autres diseiplines, teile que la visualisation d'information et peut utiliser leur methodes d'une fagon plus efficace et intuitive, aussi que Celles de la statistique et de l'intelligence artificielle en, dans l'avenir, des reseaux artificiels neuvaux pour l'analyse de donnees et de struetures. II s'agit surtout d'un modele de reseaux appele SOM ('Self-Organising Maps'), une technique d'exploration des grandes bases de donnees prometteuse. L 'algorithme de SOM estpresente, dans l'article pour l'analyse des donnees socio-economiques des communes de la province de Overijssel pour en faire ressortir la struetures spatiales. Sont ainsi combinees les techniques d'analyse spatiale, d'exploration et de collecte de connaissance sous une forme visuelle, permettant de decouvrir les struetures et de proposes des hypotheses. Les exemples de visualisation utilisent des metaphores spatiales telles que distances, regions et echelles, dans un but de simplification. 9

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 2003 | | pagina 11