GTR KARTOGRAFISCH TIJDSCHRIFT McClay, K. (1987), The mapping ofgeological structures: Geological society of London handbook. Chichester: John Wiley and sons. MacEachren, A.M. (1994), Visualization in modern cartography: setting the agenda. In: MacEachren, A. M. D.R.F. Taylor (ed.), Visualization in modern cartography Volume Two, Chapter 1, pp. 1-12. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd. Pergammon. Saha, A. (2002) Maps for geology on the Internet: study area- Tabernas Basin, South Spain. Unpublished Report, PM degree course in Geoinformatics: Enschede: ITC. Saha, A. et al (2003), Digital Cartographic Standards for 150,000 geologic map: some important considerations. In: Proceedings volume. Maplndia 2003 International Conference: New Delhi. Slocum, T.A. (1999), Thematic cartography and visualization. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Spencer, E.W. (1993), Geologic maps: a practicalguide to the interpretation and preparation of geologic maps. New York: Macmillan. Summary Asit Saha Dhruba Ganguly Geological mapping in India Keywords: map production, map editing, applications, geology Geological Survey of India GSI) is the premier Organisation in India that hos the mandate to publish geological maps for public 2003-XXIX-4 dissemination. Geologic maps are complex interpretive multi- thematic documents. Geological map-making requires special skills and domain expertise. GSI has been Publishing maps at various scales for various users and purposes since the end of theiqth Century using traditional cartographic procedures. Geologists themselves have taken on the role of cartographers. Modern technology has brought upon a paradigm shift in the collection, storage, and dissemination of geological data and GSI is steadily gearing up to that challenge. Resume Asit Saha dr Dhruba Ganguly Cartographie geologique en Inde Mots cles: production de cartes, redaction cartographique, applications, geologie le Service Geologique de l'Inde (GSI) est la plus importante Organisation geo-scientifique du pays ayant pour mission la publication de cartes geologiques. Celles-ci sont des documents complexes multi thematiques et exigent connaissances et techniques specialisees. Depuis la fin du 19eme siecle le GSI publie des cartes dijferentes echelles pour divers groupes d'utilisateurs en faisant appel des techniques cartographiques traditionnelles ainsi Les geologues remplissent le role des cartographes. Avec l'arrivee de La technologie moderne des changements sont necessaires en matiere de collecte, gestion et diffusion des donnees geologiques et c'est au GSI de relever ce defi. Hewlett Packard business partner De Panoven I SA 4191 GW Geldermalsen Tel.: (0345) 58 02 00 Fax: (0345) 58 01 88 Internet: E-mail: De nauwkeurige en betrouwbare groot- HP1050Cplus HP!055CMplus formaatafdrukoplossing voor elke GIS-gebruiker. G.T.R. levert het complete programma HP printers, zowel groot- als kleinformaat met meer dan 50 soorten bijbehorende media en alle inkjet cartridges. 28

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Kartografisch Tijdschrift | 2003 | | pagina 30